Brian Houston: The seven most important decisions in your life - Hillsong London Conference

Hillsong Church London logo
Hillsong Church London logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Brian Houston, senior pastor of Hillsong, led a "Let's talk church" segment on the final morning of the Hillsong Conference in London.

Joined by a panel which included his wife, Bobbie, and Gary and Cathy Clarke, who head up Hillsong London, Brian led a discussion on the importance of good decisions, and making a positive impact on the lives of generations to come.

"Some of you haven't met your children yet, but you're making decisions now that will affect them," Brian noted.

"We can't be indecisive - never underestimate the power of decisions. There is no such thing as a small decision, if the consequences are great - that's just a big decision in disguise."

He offered some general advice, suggesting that we "don't make permanent decisions in temporary circumstances," before highlighting the seven most significant decisions Christians are faced with in life.

Who: "Who are you going to marry?" Brian asked. "Choose someone who loves Jesus more than you do. It's critical that they have a spiritual passion - it's a great starting point."

He continued: "Make sure your goals and dreams line up, and you're heading in the same direction. Find someone with energy and passion - who sees life as an adventure, and who makes you laugh".

Brian didn't save his advice for single people however. He also spoke to those already married, insisting: "Staying married is a decision that will affect your future, and your children's future. In terms of generational impact, it is one of the most important decisions you can make".

"In an audience this size there will be people who are divorced and have had broken relationships in the past, but I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the future," he added.

"Live in the season you're in - embrace the season rather than fight it, and don't just apologise - change.

"Love is a verb - be proactive, not latent and passive," Brian finished. "It's not just a feeling, it's about decisions, choices and action."

Where: The second life decision Brian tackled was where to live; something he insisted is incredibly underrated in terms of our understanding of the generational impact it can have.

"We make decisions [on where to live] based on career, family, comfort and cost, but the first thing we should be looking at is our calling, which may mean making sacrifices," he said.

"The second thing is community," he added, noting that the power of a strong community can have a huge impact on young people's faith in particular, and being part of a healthy church family should be a priority.

What: "What we do is so important," Brian shared. "The best way to check if you're doing what God's calling you to do is are you any good at it?

"Do whatever God's called you to do, and you'll flourish."

The right timing was also highlighted as of high significance - "If you try to do the right thing at the wrong time, you'll fall dead on your face," Brian warned.

"Things work when you've got the right people in the right place at the right time - timing is critical for the generations. God sent his son Jesus in the 'fullness of time', so don't be in a hurry. Allow God's timing to set the pace for your life."

With: He also argued that who our friends are and who we "do life with" will have a significant impact on our own lives, and therefore those of our future children, and even our grandchildren.

"Do not underestimate the importance of your relationships with your friends," Brian urged - quoting 1 Corinthians 15:33, 'Bad company corrupts good habits'.

He warned that by spending time with those who only sow negativity into our lives and are out of step with our calling, we are left vulnerable to a wounded spirit that clings to us. "Don't let it make you weary," he said.

Why: "You can do the right thing for the wrong reason - anything you do, do because God has called you," Brian also shared, insisting that healthy motivation is vital.

"Make sure your motivation is good; whether that's in ministry, the Church or business. If you're doing it for God and people, your motivation is right."

Want: "What do you want in life?" was Brian's final question to his audience, insisting that it's critical to get our hearts desires in line with God's vision for our lives, and to make decisions based that, rather than on earthly understanding.

"Solomon asked for wisdom when could have asked for anything - riches, honour, even the lives of his enemies," Brian noted.

"We must learn to be faithful with what's in our hand."

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