
Showing posts with the label London

The Greatest Showman Challenges Modern Tolerance…But Doesn’t Go Far Enough

Annie Jones, who suffered from hypertrichosis. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Greatest Showman . The movie tells the story of P.T. Barnum , the son of a poor tailor who becomes one of the leading entertainers in the world. The theme [spoiler alert] is about the folly of trying to find personal value in acceptance and love from society. The film focuses on various “outcasts” who feel rejected by broader culture (Barnum, circus performers , etc.), but eventually find a deeper kind of meaning in close, personal relationships. Since he grew up poor, and as an outsider, Barnum desperately sought societal applause. Even after marrying his sweetheart, having two beautiful daughters, building a successful show, buying an expensive home, and getting invited to the “important” social events, Barnum still felt the need to prove himself to the world. His wife warns him about the futility of such an endeavor, but he persists nonetheless. And it nearly cost him his marriage and career. A

Britain Broken?

The reason we all remember where we were on 9/11 is because the events were undeniably dramatic, dastardly, and devastating. We knew we were witnessing something historic and horrifying. Brexit is not that. A lot of people on Twitter are getting the words “historic” and “histrionics” confused. If/when you heard that Britain voted to exit the European Union on Friday, you would have been excused for greeting the news with a nonchalant, meh.Nobody died. No laws were broken. And nothing was lost (if you don’t count the $2,100,000,000,000 that evaporated from the world markets in a puff of panic). In one sense it was just the Brits being British and the world will keep turning. And yet, therein lies the rub. The Brits were being British instead of European, which is what got them on a sticky wicket. (If you’re not in the mood for obscure British idioms, you should stop reading). If you’re anything like me or millions of other geographically estranged observers, far removed from the ep

The sin of bragging - does that title make me look good?

Sprinting legend Usain Bolt pictured in Brunel University's indoor athletics Centre. Usain used Brunel as a European training base prior to the 2009 Berlin Athletics World Championships. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “Love does not brag” ( 1 Corinthians 13:4). Among other things, the Corinthians were boasting about the supposed supernatural spiritual experiences that they were having, hence Paul’s correction. “Brag.” The word has the idea of self-glorification, boasting, and a superficial self-applauder. It speaks of someone who vaunts, displays, and praises self. Why is love antithetical to bragging? Bragging is an expression of self-worship (over and above God ) and self-love (over and above others). All love and glory is channelled to self. Bragging wants attention. It’s an extreme self-worshiper. It will hijack whatever means at its disposal—work, skills, giftedness, ministry—to applaud itself. And if it does not get attention, it will do things like become jealous, angry,

We are fallen but saved by God's amazing grace

We are all fallen. No one is righteous. It is so bad no one can save themselves. Romans 8:7-8 . We are morally unable to please God . Ephesians 2:1-10 . You were dead. If you are a Christian , you have been raised from the dead. You didn’t do that. London is filled with millions of people who are dead. When it comes to racial harmony, a major implication of this doctrine is that no matter what your race, you are equally dead without Christ . Hell will be racially diverse. Romans 2:9 . Evey color will be there. We are all depraved. We are all lost. We are all dying of the same disease. This should humble us for our own sin. If I am as dead as the most evil person, I should be less proud and more gracious to others. You cannot be more dead than dead. No ethnic group has any edge at all. God almighty before the foundation of the world chose to save you. Acts 13:48 . “Those who were ordained to eternal life believed.” God’s decision was why they believed. It’s totally uncondi

Brian Houston: The seven most important decisions in your life - Hillsong London Conference

Hillsong Church London logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Brian Houston , senior pastor of Hillsong , led a "Let's talk church" segment on the final morning of the Hillsong Conference in London . Joined by a panel which included his wife, Bobbie, and Gary and Cathy Clarke, who head up Hillsong London , Brian led a discussion on the importance of good decisions, and making a positive impact on the lives of generations to come. "Some of you haven't met your children yet, but you're making decisions now that will affect them," Brian noted. "We can't be indecisive - never underestimate the power of decisions. There is no such thing as a small decision, if the consequences are great - that's just a big decision in disguise." He offered some general advice, suggesting that we "don't make permanent decisions in temporary circumstances," before highlighting the seven most significant decisions Christians are faced with in life

Craig Groeschel on increasing your leadership capacity- Hillsong Conference London

Hillsong Church London logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "You have no idea how powerful Christ in you really is - how much he wants to do in and through you. It's more than your mind can comprehend." This was the message of pastor Craig Groeschel on the third day of the Hillsong No Other Name conference in London . Speaking before over 10,000 people gathered in the 02 Arena , Groeschel urged the crowd to allow God to raise their ability to lead, whether in church, family or work. "We have to let him increase our leadership capacity so he can do more through us for his glory," he insisted. Going on to highlight five ways by which we can let God move in our lives, Groeschel underlined the importance of opening ourselves up to being changed and moulded. 1. Build Confidence: "We talk ourselves down, and we as leaders so often act as a lid to what God wants us to do - we say 'I just can't do this anymore, I don't have wh

Anxiety or Humility?

John Piper - take one (Photo credit: Micah_68 ) Here are some other resources: Richard Baxter, “The Right Method for a Settled Peace of Conscience and Spiritual Comfort,” in  The Practical Works of the Rev. Richard Baxter  (23 vols.; London: Duncan, 1830), 9:1–287. Andy Farmer, “Peace and Anxiety,” ch. 5 in  Real Peace: What We Long for and Where to Find It  (Wheaton: Crossway, 2013), 79–93. Robert W. Kellemen,  Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure  (The Gospel for Real Life; Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2012). 42 pp. John MacArthur,  Anxiety Attacked  (Wheaton: Victor, 1993). Wayne A. Mack and Joshua Mack,  Courage: Fighting Fear with Fear  (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2002). J. P. Moreland and Klaus Issler, “Defeating Two Hardships of Life: Anxiety and Depression,” ch. 7 in  The Lost Virtue of Happiness: Discovering the Disciplines of the Good Life  (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2006), 155–77. John Piper, “ Anxiety: Sin, Disorder, or Both? ,”

Noah's Ark and an ancient tablet

English: An account of barley rations issued monthly to adults (30 or 40 pints) and children (20 pints) written in Cuneiform on clay tablet, written in year 4 of King Urukagina (circa 2350 BCE). From Ngirsu, Iraq. British Museum, London. BM 102081 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Archaeologist s say writings on an ancient tablet confirm there was a global flood and an ark that carried animals.  A recently deciphered 4,000-year-old clay tablet , discovered in modern-day Iraq -- which is ancient Mesopotamia -- reveals striking similarities to the biblical account of Noah . The tablet describes a massive flood that destroys the earth and instructions that animals should be loaded onto the craft "two by two." The tablet differs from scripture in its description of the ark. It tells of a giant round vessel, two-thirds the size of a soccer field. In the book of Genesis , God commands Noah to build a longer vessel, providing specific dimensions that are not round. Experts say o

Granville Sharp addressed the Jehovah's Witness glaring error on Christ

When Granville Sharp was born on this day, November 10, 1735 in Durham, England , his family may have expected he would follow in the steps of his father and grandfather. Both were Anglican clergymen. But Granville was destined to achieve his greatest fame in quite a different sphere. Having turned down the church of England as a career, he became a linen draper. He made a study of law, but never completed the course, accepting work in the government's ordnance office, instead. Nonetheless, his acquaintance with the law was to prove valuable. In 1765, while Granville Sharp was living in London , he met a black man named Jonathan Strong reeling in the street. Strong had been brought from the Barbados Islands by his master, David Lisle, who had beaten him severely and then abandoned him in the street. Sharp took him to St. Bartholomew's hospital , where the suffering slave took four months to recover. Afterward, Sharp found him a job. Lisle hired two thugs to recapture Strong

Was Shakespeare a Christian?

This was long thought to be the only portrait of William Shakespeare that had any claim to have been painted from life, until another possible life portrait, the Cobbe portrait, was revealed in 2009. The portrait is known as the 'Chandos portrait' after a previous owner, James Brydges, 1st Duke of Chandos. It was the first portrait to be acquired by the National Portrait Gallery in 1856. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) To be or not to be -- that is the question." "My words go up, my thoughts remain below Words without thoughts ne'er to Heaven go." uotes and phrases of William Shakespeare, the greatest of all English writers have become part and parcel of our culture and speech, but much about the man's life and beliefs remains mysterious. Even the date of his death is not certain, although it is generally thought that he died  on this date, April 23, 1616 . This would have been almost on Shakespeare's 52nd birthday (he was baptized the 26th of Ap