We are fallen but saved by God's amazing grace

We are all fallen. No one is righteous. It is so bad no one can save themselves. Romans 8:7-8. We are morally unable to please God.Ephesians 2:1-10. You were dead. If you are a Christian, you have been raised from the dead. You didn’t do that. London is filled with millions of people who are dead. When it comes to racial harmony, a major implication of this doctrine is that no matter what your race, you are equally dead without Christ. Hell will be racially diverse. Romans 2:9. Evey color will be there. We are all depraved. We are all lost. We are all dying of the same disease. This should humble us for our own sin. If I am as dead as the most evil person, I should be less proud and more gracious to others. You cannot be more dead than dead. No ethnic group has any edge at all.

God almighty before the foundation of the world chose to save you. Acts 13:48. “Those who were ordained to eternal life believed.” God’s decision was why they believed. It’s totally unconditional. Faith comes about because of this choice of God. Huge implications. He doesn’t choose anybody because of skin color, education, or any other reason. Watch out then for pride or despair. Nothing in you caused him to choose you. Nothing could have stopped him from choosing you. This is stunningly powerful in evangelism. Nothing you have done has anything to do with whether he has chosen you. The only way you know if you are chosen is right now whether you will you accept Jesus. If you will, then you are chosen. Therefore no black person, or 
white person can have any idea that their ethnic identity has anything to do with God setting his favor on them. 

Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her Ephesians 5:25. Jesus laid down his life for the sheep. There is a wide door for the world. If anyone wants he can come. But Jesus is also taking for himself a bride. He knew whom he was after Revelation 5:9: slain so that a body of people could be purchased from every nation. Not every tribe, but people FROM every tribe. He will lay claim to those people he has bought. God intends to have this multicolored people. People, tribe, nation, language: God is interested in all these groupings. His intent is for them to be in harmony with each other. We are a kingdom. We are more related to Christians from other nations than to others of our own nation. Interracial marriage reflects God’s glory. Free to marry in the Lord. Don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers. It is infinitely costly for God to purchase this people. The racial issue is not a social issue, it’s a blood issue. It cost Jesus everything in order to pull off diversity in his kingdom. If it was costly for Jesus, it will be for you. 

Not only are we helpless and dead, he chose us, he paid for us, he also comes to us and overcomes all our rebellion and saves us. Ephesians 2:8
We are comrades in the fall, in God’s choice, in the infinite cost, in God’s triumphant grace, and in God keeping his own. Romans 8. If you are justified you are glorified. It’s as good as done that you will be in heaven. He preserves his saints. No one can pluck you out of Gods hand. He will finish the job. He will go on helping us with the racial issue. Keep trying. Don’t retreat and say “these people are impossible to please.” Be committed to keep working at this issue, expecting to fail, but persevering and hoping to see some success. One day we will all gather round the throne together.

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