
Showing posts with the label Chicken

A Cowards guide to Evangelism

For years, I’ve written articles and books about evangelism. On the surface, this looks like a desire to help foster evangelism in the Christian community. And it’s true; I do desire that. But on a deeper level, it stems from working out my internal angst concerning evangelism. How do I present the gospel honestly and boldly without needlessly offending? How do I ensure I don’t slip into heresy by adding or subtracting from the gospel? When do I need to remember that the gospel is offensive to those who love their sin and rebellion and that their distaste for the gospel has nothing to do with me at all? Can you identify with this inner struggle? After decades of asking myself questions like these, I'd like to offer seven suggestions for you to keep in mind as you consider how to get started in evangelism. 1 1. Sweep away misconceptions in your head about evangelism. It’s easy to listen to well-meaning believers and get the wrong idea about evangelism. The mistaken ideas are almost

Why did the Christian chicken cross the road?

Theologians and some significant others explain why the chicken crossed the road  Greg Boyd : It's a possibility that the chicken crossed the road. Rick Warren : The chicken was purpose driven. Mark Driscoll : The chicken crossed because of the rooster's leadership. Rachel Held Evans : We're talking about chickens here, not pigs. Pelagius: Because the chicken was able to. John Piper: God decreed the event to maximize his glory. Irenaeus: The glory of God is the chicken fully alive. C.S. Lewis: If a chicken finds itself with a desire that nothing on this side can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that it was created for the other side. Billy Graham : The chicken was surrendering all. Pluralist: The chicken took one of many equally valid roads. Universalist: All chickens cross the road.  Annihilationist: The chicken was hit by a car and ceased to exist.  Fred Phelps : God hates chickens. Martin Luther : The chicken was leaving Rome. Tim LaHaye : The chicken didn'