
Showing posts with the label Child abuse

Christian Parents and some weird legislation

Del. Elizabeth Guzman at the Virginia Capitol in Richmond, Va Will Christian parents face criminal charges for resisting the LGBTQ revolution when it comes to their own children? Should the state “protect” LGBTQ children and teenagers from their own parents? Has our society lost its mind? The mainstream media often castigate conservatives for raising alarms about the culture and its dangers. Thus, it tells us something when even The Washington Post reported on this story. It’s a very big story and one that demands the attention of all Christians and all parents. In an interview with local television news, a Virginia legislator said that she would reintroduce a bill she had first proposed two years ago. She described the bill as an effort to protect LGBTQ children from “abuse” by their parents. But, as the news interview made plain, her definition of abuse includes pushback from parents who do not facilitate “necessary” care for their LGBTQ children. You do not need much of imagination

Defending the Indefensible: With “Cuties,” Yet Another Boundary Falls

Over the last few decades, the sexual revolution in America has pushed the boundaries of what is morally acceptable quicker than what could have been anticipated. One after another, the boundaries fall, the norms are torn down. The latest example comes directly to the homes of the nearly 73 million Americans that subscribe to Netflix in the form of the new movie, “Cuties.” “Cuties,” originally released as “Mignonnes” in France, is a fictional film about the supposed sexual awakening (and dangerous sexualization) of pre-adolescent girls. The main character is brought up in a traditional Muslim home and finds herself struggling between two different modes of womanhood: the traditional values in which she is raised and the hyper-sexualized values of Western culture seen on the internet. The film has seen extreme backlash from the right and the left for inappropriately sexualizing the young actresses in the film. But one very troubling dimension of this controversy is the defence of hyper-

Was Jesus the second Isaac?

The story of Abraham and his “one and only son” Isaac actually foreshadows God the Father’s offering the redemptive sacrifice of the “second Isaac”—his “one and only Son” (John 3:16 NET). Rather than this being forced upon the Son—divine “child abuse,” as Richard Dawkins calls it—the Father is not pitted against the Son. Christ willingly laid down his life and then took it up again (John 10:15, 17–18). God sent his Son into the world (John 3:17) to bear Israel’s and humanity’s curse and alienation on the cross. Yet, God the Son himself came into the world (John 9:39) to save it. With three wills of Father, Son, and Spirit united as one, the Triune God gave his very self to rescue and redeem humankind: “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Cor. 5:19). Abraham’s unquestioning yet difficult obedience to the covenant God not only helped shape and confirm Israel’s identity in Abraham but also provided a context for understanding God’s immense self-giving love in the

How to survive abuse

Building a new family from the ashes of past abuse is an opportunity to defy destruction and illuminate hope. When you’ve come from an abusive past, building up your own new family is no ordinary thing. It joyfully, actively, and creatively crushes the work of Satan . The work of establishing a Christ -centered family stands as an act of redemption and re-creation that proclaims God ’s glory and dominion over evil. We are made in God’s image, created to reflect his value through our lives, words, and works — but we don’t come into the world fully mature. God designed families to serve as one of the most essential arenas of our development. Thus, we are born as malleable, impressionable children, who intrinsically imbibe the world of our caregivers. And this can be a world of affection and instruction in Christ, or a world of neglect and abuse. Being raised in a godly home should communicate to us that we are loved, that Christ is to be trusted, and that God is our Father

Is taking your child into an R-rated Movie child abuse?

Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Stephen Simon, a movie producer whose credits include What Dreams May Come and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure , was horrified recently when he noticed a mother who had brought her young son to a showing of the R-rated End of Watch in Tigard , Ore. "It was very violent and very profane from frame one. There were people getting beat up and shot," Simon said. "I thought this is child abuse ." Simon was so upset by the woman's choice that he confronted her and called Child Protective Services . Says Simon, "The woman [at CPS] told me on the phone I was absolutely right and this was a dreadful thing to do but then said there's nothing we can do and suggested I talk to the manager." Simon told United Press International that he's been calling some theater owners to ask them to have their ticket sellers talk to parents about R-rated films' content when they try

Divorce is worse than same sex marriage

Image via Wikipedia According to Dr. Stephen Baskerville , professor of political science at Patrick Henry College and author of “Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family,” the government "is engaged in a direct assault on the family" that is causing family breakdown - which in turn allows government to reach into yet more areas of civil society under the pretext of solving the problems that the breakdown of the family creates. "I would go so far as to say that family breakdown is the major engine driving domestic government expansion and spending: crime, substance abuse, educational failure, law enforcement, all these costs are attributable to single-parent homes more than any other single factor." To read the complete interview: here . Dr. Baskerville claimed that the government promotes family breakdown through “a panoply of destructive laws” linked to divorce. "Unlike cultural threats to the family, divorce is a government