I’m afraid to die
I’m afraid to die Psychologists tell us that even young children are afraid of death. There’s nothing wrong with you if you’re afraid to die; maybe there’s something wrong with you if you aren’t! There are two reasons why we’re afraid to die. One is that death is the great unknown, and we naturally fear the unknown, like a dark room. Christianity sheds light on this darkness (Prov 14:27). Christ assures us that there is life after death by preaching it (Jn 3:36), but most of all by showing us the Resurrection from the dead (Mk 16:6). The second reason we fear death is that we’re afraid to meet God face-to-face because we know, all of us, deep down, that we don’t deserve God or Heaven. “There’s a little bad in the best of us”, and the best of us are the first to admit it. “Death gets its power to hurt from sin” (1 Cor 15:56). Would you like to meet God face-to-face right now, with no defenses, no hiding, no evasion? That’s like asking whether you would like it if every thought that you ...