
Showing posts with the label Husband

Where dead men lie

Dear Husband, If you value your life, if you cherish your manliness and honor, if you love your family and your God, listen to his voice. As she whispers in your ear, as her lips yield the sweetest honey, as her speech soothes and excites, listen to his words instead. Drown her lies in wisdom. She entices, “Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves with love” ( Proverbs 7:18 ). She says that she can satisfy your longings. She says that no one will know. She makes you feel desired, dominant. She crowns you a king. And she can provide some of the promised pleasure — for a time. But mark these three words: in the end. “In the end she is bitter as wormwood.” In the end she is “sharp as a two-edged sword” ( Proverbs 5:4 ). In the end it would have been better to sleep every night embracing a Japanese Katana or a motion sensor grenade. In the end you will realize that what you mistook as harmless pleasure, as “true love,” as the path to lifelong satisfactio

Blokes need women and women need blokes

English: Araucanian (Mapuche) husband and wife. Español: Marido y mujer Mapuche (Araucana) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Genesis 2:18 Wife , do you understand the needs of your husband? Let’s face it, a man’s career is usually extremely important to his self‐esteem. He is made that way. Many women complain about their husbands ’ “ workaholism ,” which may be valid, and yet husbands deserve thanks for the effort they invest. Compared to the man who sits around the house doing little or nothing, the hard worker is an honorable man. God has assigned two key tasks to men: to provide for and to protect their families. If your husband meets those two requirements, you need to let him know that you appreciate how hard he works. Several years ago a survey was taken to determine what men wanted in their homes. The result was surprising: It was tranquility. Is your home a peaceful haven for your husband and your

Biblical ways husbands can love their wives

" Husbands , love your wives and do not be bitter toward them."  (Col.  3:19 , NKJV )  When God says, "Husbands, love your wives," he speaks of the woman as a complex being. He calls every man to love his whole wife just as every man loves his whole self (Eph.   5:29 ). This means that a husband must do all he can to understand his wife's world. What follows are eight admonitions to love our wives with respect to their various facets. 1. Love Her Heart—Emotional Love The Bible uses the word "love" over 350 times. Almost 10% of these times are in the Song of Solomon (which comprises less than 0.5 percent of Scripture). One thing we learn from this is that a husband should use words to express his love for his wife. "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away! O my dove…let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely" (Song  2:10 ). I know of no woman who wouldn't love to hear her

Does true love wait?

Rebecca St. James singing Wait for Me in April 2007. This song was written about true love waits. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Last week, I came across a blog post entitled " I Don't Wait Anymore " written by a young woman in the U.K. Her main premise is that the emphasis on "waiting," sexually and otherwise, for a future spouse — a view we've received through " True Love Waits " and other campaigns — promotes the wrong picture of God . It essentially teaches you that if you wait in the correct manner, God will reward you with a spouse. But what happens when God doesn't hold up His end of the bargain? There are a lot of girls out there who don’t know who God is anymore — the God of their youth group years just isn’t working out. Back then, that God said to wait for sex until they are married, until He brings the right man along for a husband . They signed a card and put it on the altar and pledged to wait.... Some of them have prayed their w

Even As Christ

Image via Wikipedia " Husbands , love your wives , even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it." ( Ephesians 5:25 )   Much has been said in recent years regarding family roles and responsibilities. Suffice it to say that many either misapply or ignore what the Bible has to say. Perhaps the clearest passage on this subject is that surrounding our text ( vv. 21-33 ). Here we see, in a setting of "submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God " ( v. 21 ), that the primary role of the wife is that of submission to her husband's headship ( v. 22 ), and that of the husband is self- sacrificial love for his wife ( v. 25 ). Here we have the only formula for a marriage fulfilling to both.   Family relationships were given special attention at the time of the universal curse on mankind ( Genesis 3:16 ); thus the God -given family roles, while not impossible to achieve, run contrary to our natures. Obviously, we can't succeed on our own.