Where dead men lie

Dear Husband, If you value your life, if you cherish your manliness and honor, if you love your family and your God, listen to his voice. As she whispers in your ear, as her lips yield the sweetest honey, as her speech soothes and excites, listen to his words instead. Drown her lies in wisdom. She entices, “Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves with love” ( Proverbs 7:18 ). She says that she can satisfy your longings. She says that no one will know. She makes you feel desired, dominant. She crowns you a king. And she can provide some of the promised pleasure — for a time. But mark these three words: in the end. “In the end she is bitter as wormwood.” In the end she is “sharp as a two-edged sword” ( Proverbs 5:4 ). In the end it would have been better to sleep every night embracing a Japanese Katana or a motion sensor grenade. In the end you will realize that what you mistook as harmless pleasure, as “true love,” as the path to lifelong satisfactio...