
Showing posts with the label Larry King

Larry King interviews two people - one was Bible College trained the other not trained.

Larry King Live title card (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) BIBLE COLLEGE TRAINING Here are some excerpts from MacArthur’s counterpart to Osteen’s Larry King Live interview: KING: John MacArthur , what happens when you die? MACARTHUR: Well, when you die, you go to one of two places. According to Scripture . You go out of the presence of God forever, or you go into the presence of God forever. KING: Depending? MACARTHUR: Depending upon your personal relationship with Jesus Christ , which is, according to the Bible , the only way to enter heaven. KING: So therefore a Jew or a Muslim or a Buddhist will not go to heaven? MACARTHUR: Christian theology and the Scripture says that only through faith in Jesus Christ. KING: And you — when we say what happened, what happens? Do you go somewhere as a body? MACARTHUR: No, your body stays. We go to the funeral. We see the body. It goes into the grave. It decays. Your spirit immediately goes either in the presence of God or out, waiting the fina

Why do names change in the Bible like - Bathsheba to Bath-shua?

David and Bathsheba by Jan Matsys, 1562, Louvre (Photo credit: Wikipedia )  For example, in 2 Samuel 11:3, David looks from his window and sees a beautiful woman bathing in an adjacent house. He inquires of her name, and finds out: “Is this not Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam ?” And from there it becomes your typical king-meets-wife-of-deployed-soldier, affair-pregnancy-murder-cover-up kind of story, and ends up costing David his kingdom. But this story can become confusing when you read in 1 Chronicles 3:5 that David had four children “by Bath-shua , the daughter of Ammiel .” So what gives? Why is Bathsheba’s name spelled differently, and was her father named Ammiel or Eliam? This question is not just simply an issue of missing the forest for the trees—although if you ask this question, please don’t neglect the larger issues of what God wants you to learn from David’s sin and how that ended up dividing the kingdom. But if you spend any time reading Samuel, Kings, and Chronicle