
Showing posts with the label Serpent

Who is Satan?

He’s the universe’s public enemy number one, the chief opponent of God and his people, and the leader of uncounted demonic forces. Jesus says he’s been a murderer from the beginning, and he’s engaged in an all-out war against the forces of good in the universe. The Bible calls him the devil, Satan, the evil one. Paul tells the Ephesian church to put on the full armor of God, so that they can stand firm against his schemes. James tells Christians that if they resist the devil, he will flee from them. Peter tells believers to beware: he is always on the prowl. We have an enemy—and if we’re going to stand firm against him, we need to know whom we’re up against. 1. “Satan” means “adversary.” “Satan” is a transliteration of a Hebrew word, which means “adversary,” or “opponent.” The word satan is used multiple times in the Old Testament, often referring to anyone who is blocking or challenging someone else. For example: The angel of the Lord opposes Balaam (Numbers 21:22–32). Two of David’s

Making fun of Satan

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. [Gen. 3:1] When we move from Genesis 2:25 to Genesis 3:1 we note a change in textual tone. The statement that the serpent was the craftiest of the animals strikes a discordant note in the harmony that had prevailed to this point. In Genesis 3:1 we immediately read that this clever beast challenged God’s commands to Adam and Eve. The serpent personifies Satan throughout the Bible. We often envision the stereotypical little man in a red suit, horns and cloven hooves, carrying a pitchfork. This description is not found anywhere in the Bible, but was born in the minds of some medieval church scholars. These theologians were conscious of spiritual warfare, so they sought techniques to fight Satan and overcome his temptations. Peter tells us that Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8), but James promises that if we resist him this lion will flee (James 4:7). Such

The serpent in the Garden of Eden

English: The story of the Eden Garden. Façade ouest de Notre-Dame de Paris. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It may be inferred from the narrative, that Adam was present with Eve during the temptation. In Gen. 3:6, it is said the woman gave of the fruit of the tree to her husband who was “with her.” He was therefore a party to the whole transaction. When it is said that a serpent addressed Eve, we are bound to take the words in their literal sense. The serpent is neither a figurative designation of Satan ; nor did Satan assume the form of a serpent.  A real serpent was the agent of the temptation, as it is plain from what is said of the natural characteristics of the serpent in the first verse of the chapter, and from the curse pronounced upon the animal itself, and the enmity which was declared should subsist between it and man through all time. But that Satan was the real tempter, and that he used the serpent merely as his organ or instrument, is evident,— (1.) From the nature of

The Gospel story from the Old to the New Testament

Adam and Eve Are Driven out of Eden by Gustave Dore. Picture portrayed over passage in Genesis. And he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life (Gen. 3:24). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) God’s goal in all of His creative and redemptive work is to bring glory to Himself ( Isa 43:7 ; c Eph 1:6 ,  12 ,  14 ) This is expressed in His creation mandate to Adam and Eve , in which He commissions man, as those uniquely made in His image, to rule over the earth in righteousness ( Gen 1:2 8) Man is to bring glory to God by their manifesting His presence as His vice-regent throughout all creation. But immediately Adam and Eve fail in their commission. The serpent deceives Eve, Adam eats of the forbidden tree, and in that moment the human race is catapulted into spiritual death and damnation ( Gen 3:1–7 ) The Seed of the Woman And just as immediately, God graciously promises that He will send th

Satan as an angel of light

Gustave Doré, Depiction of Satan, the antagonist of John Milton's Paradise Lost c. 1866 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent , which is the Devil , and Satan , and bound him a thousand years." ( Revelation 20:2 )   This prophetic vision given to John leaves no doubt as to the identity of the serpent in the Garden of Eden . That "old serpent" (literally, "that primeval serpent") who deceived our first parents into rebelling against the word of God is none other than the Devil, or Satan, often viewed in Scripture as typified by a "great dragon" ( Revelation 12:9 ), the fearsome animal of ancient times; probably the dinosaur.   His ultimate doom is sure—he will be bound a thousand years, then finally be "cast into the lake of fire . . . tormented day and night for ever and ever" ( Revelation  20:10 ). At present, however, he is not bound, for "your adversary the devil, as a roarin

Can you be healed by just looking at Jesus?

English: The Brazen Serpent; as in Numbers 21:1-9; Bible card published by Providence Lithograph Company (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "And the LORD said unto Moses , Make thee a fiery serpent , and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live." ( Numbers 21:8 ) This might seem an incredible story, but it was confirmed by none other than the Lord Jesus Himself: "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life" ( John 3:14-15 ). A plague of poisonous snakes had infested the camp of Israel, sent as a divine judgment because of their complaints and ingratitude, and many people had died. When they confessed their sin and Moses prayed for their deliverance, God in His grace prescribed this unique remedy. There is, of course, no naturalistic process which can heal a deadly snakebi