Making fun of Satan

Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. [Gen. 3:1]

When we move from Genesis 2:25 to Genesis 3:1 we note a change in textual tone. The statement that the serpent was the craftiest of the animals strikes a discordant note in the harmony that had prevailed to this point. In Genesis 3:1 we immediately read that this clever beast challenged God’s commands to Adam and Eve.

The serpent personifies Satan throughout the Bible.
We often envision the stereotypical little man in a red suit, horns and cloven hooves, carrying a pitchfork. This description is not found anywhere in the Bible, but was born in the minds of some medieval church scholars. These theologians were conscious of spiritual warfare, so they sought techniques to fight Satan and overcome his temptations. Peter tells us that Satan prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8), but James promises that if we resist him this lion will flee (James 4:7).

Such encouragement caused the godly men of the Middle Ages to resist Satan. They determined that Lucifer’s greatest weakness is pride. Since a proud person cannot stand ridicule, these theologians used ridicule as a weapon against him. They wrote songs to mock him and drew cartoons poking fun at him. One of the most enduring and popular of these images was the silly creature in a red suit with a tail and horns.

In the Bible Satan is exposed as a counterfeit angel of light. He deceives the world by advocating and offering that which often sounds good but is not godly. He hisses subtle questions in our minds about the authority and inerrancy of God’s Word, planting seeds of doubt. His most cherished territory for stalking his prey is among God’s people of the church itself, the sacred garden where God meets men.

Satan is ultimately powerless against almighty God. However, we mere mortals should view him as a staunch enemy of our souls. His objective is to use every ounce of power to entice us away from a life committed to serving Jesus Christ.

Many only laugh at the idea of Satan, oblivious to his staunch, powerful enmity. Do not permit his silly image to deceive you. You are unable on your own to stand. Read Ephesians 6, counting how many times we are told simply to “stand” against our enemy. Are you taking advantage of the protections Paul there tells us we must use?

Sproul, R.C., Before the Face of God: A Daily Guide for Living from the Old Testament, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books) 1994.

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