
Showing posts with the label William Wallace


Image via Wikipedia Most of us are unfamiliar with the church calendar. Eastertide happens between the resurrection and Pentecost . We know about Easter and shy away from Pentecost. Seldom do we look at what happened in this period of time between Easter and Pentecost. It was 40 days of Jesus life before He ascended. How would you spend your final 40 days? If you were trying to launch a movement, how would you do that with the final 40 days? Most people would assume you’d need to go to the epicenters of culture and announce yourself and your movement. What Jesus did revealed the tenderness of the heart of God towards the world. Jesus went after the discouraged and unfaithful to build a movement. The Road to Emmaus A significant battle happened in Emmaus, led by Judas Maccabeeus. He was “the hammer,” the William Wallace of the Jewish culture . That battle led to 100 years of freedom for the Jewish people . 2 people were walking towards Emmaus thinking about the Macabe