- Most of us are unfamiliar with the church calendar.
- Eastertide happens between the resurrection and Pentecost.
- We know about Easter and shy away from Pentecost.
- Seldom do we look at what happened in this period of time between Easter and Pentecost.
- It was 40 days of Jesus life before He ascended.
- How would you spend your final 40 days?
- If you were trying to launch a movement, how would you do that with the final 40 days?
- Most people would assume you’d need to go to the epicenters of culture and announce yourself and your movement.
- What Jesus did revealed the tenderness of the heart of God towards the world.
- Jesus went after the discouraged and unfaithful to build a movement.
- A significant battle happened in Emmaus, led by Judas Maccabeeus.
- He was “the hammer,” the William Wallace of the Jewish culture.
- That battle led to 100 years of freedom for the Jewish people.
- 2 people were walking towards Emmaus thinking about the Macabean Revolt.
- They watched who they thought would bring them freedom [Jesus] killed.
- They were disappointed with how things turned out.
- Have you ever put your hope in something that didn’t work out?
- “We had hoped he would have been the one to deliver Israel?”
- Jesus started chasing the ones that were disappointed.
- By using the Scripture, He started to reveal the centrality of Jesus in what God is trying to do in the world.
- He restored them back.
- Thomas was “the doubter.”
- There are many things we doubt and don’t understand.
- We tell people to suppress their doubt.
- We shame them.
- God’s goes to reach those who are in doubt and uses shows Himself [and His scars] to them.
- Peter denied Him three times.
- He failed.
- He went back to being the person he was before.
- He felt disqualified.
- Jesus chose a failure to launch His movement.
The Disciples
- They were afraid of the Jewish leaders.
- They were immobilized by fear.
- Instead of condemning them, He said, “Just as the Father sent me, I am sending you.”
Jesus could have done any high-profile exploit to launch a global movement… but He chose people who were disappointed, doubtful, failures and afraid. People just like you.