
Showing posts with the label danger

No other gods thankyou

One of the most significant Old Testament examples of a man who purged and protected himself and his kingdom from idols is King Josiah (2 Chronicles 34). When Josiah realized that seeking the Lord was incompatible with the idolatry around him, he purged Judah and Jerusalem of idols with fantastic zeal. Josiah’s men tore down Baal’s altars in his presence, and he personally travelled to destroy idols. Destroying idols requires us to take a stand and pursue things that protect us from future attacks. There are three things Christians must pursue if we would, like Josiah, purge and protect the kingdom of our hearts from idolatry. First, we must pursue Christ-centered relationships. The people we choose to share our lives with dramatically impact us. The scriptures show this effect. The Apostle Paul warned that spending time with wicked people would corrupt us. Making friends with those who do not pursue holiness and godliness will always shape our lives away from godly pursuits as our sta...

Lost and Confused Z generation

“Nearly 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ, Gallup survey finds,” cheered the  NBC headline  Wednesday. NBC ran an  almost identical headline  about another survey in January. Our first thought was that taking 30% of women out of human reproduction would have devastating consequences for our nation. Our society can’t survive if male/female couples don’t reproduce. Our culture will collapse as traditional nuclear families are destroyed. It’s almost as if some people think that’s the point and the goal. To be sure, virtually the only reason  30%  of young women identify this way is that “LGBTQ+” is a social contagion. There is  no more celebrated group  of people on the planet than those who are confused about what gender they are or what sex they’re attracted to. Oh, they pretend to be oppressed, but for nearly the entire year, the national calendar is full of  days of recognition and celebration  for the Rainbow Cult. Even Joe Biden’s ...

Even atheists warn the danger of Christianity decline

The famously angry atheist Richard Dawkins tweeted out a report from the  Guardian  with a reaction that made me do a double take: “Before we rejoice at the death throes of the relatively benign Christian religion , let’s not forget Hilaire Belloc ’s menacing rhyme: ‘Always keep a-hold of nurse, For fear of finding something worse.’” The  Guardian  was noting that Christianity in the UK was completely collapsing: Well over half of Britons no longer pray or attend religious services, and a staggering 70% of those between the ages of 16 and 29 do not subscribe to any identifiable religion.  Dawkins seems to have changed his tune somewhat. After all, this is the same man  who once argued  that the state needed to shield children from religious parents who were “indoctrinating them,” essentially dismissing the fundamental concept of parental rights as so much nonsense. Enlightened atheists running the state were far better equipped, in Dawkin...