
Showing posts with the label justified

I'm saved but still sin?

Perhaps the formula that Luther used that is most famous and most telling at this point is his formula simul justus et peccator. And if any formula summarizes and captures the essence of the Reformation view, it is this little formula. Simul is the word from which we get the English word simultaneously. Or, it means 'at the same time.' Justus is the Latin word for just or righteous. And you all know what et is. Et the past tense of the verb 'to eat.' Have you et your dinner? No, you know that's not what that means. You remember in the death scene of Caesar after he's been stabbed by Brutus he says, "Et Tu, Brute?" Then fall Caesar. And you too Brutus? It simply means and. Peccator means sinner. And so with this formula, Luther was saying, in our justification we are one and the same time righteous or just, and sinners.  Now if he would say that we are at the same time and in the same relationship just and sinners that would be a contradic

Is Salvation by faith alone in Christ alone?

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). The doctrine of justification by faith alone, over which the Protestant Reformation was fought, means that justification is by Christ alone. There is nothing we can do to merit our salvation. Rather, redemption from slavery to sin is freely given to all who trust in God. Theologians representing the papacy argued against the Reformers that James 2:24 says, “You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.” They argued that human works contribute to meriting salvation, though the primary work was done by Christ alone. The Reformers replied from Romans 4:2–3, “If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. What does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.’ ” Obviously, they said, it is belief, not meritorious works, that makes us just in God

What do I do with my guilt?

Guilt is a key player in Satan’s master plan of deception. As he weaves his web of guilt into our lives, we are often overcome by feelings of punishment, rejection, and isolation. It is then that we are tempted to doubt the sincerity of God’s forgiveness and grace. Many people do not know how to handle feelings of guilt. They become confused, frustrated, and eventually give up. But God has a written solution for handling guilt, and it is found within His Word. Two Types of Guilt Before we begin dealing with the subject of guilt, we must first understand its meaning. Guilt is a legal term meaning “to commit a breach of conduct.” There are two forms of guilt—genuine guilt which comes as a result of violating one’s moral beliefs and false guilt which is derived from misconceptions or feelings gone astray. In the case of false guilt, the individual actually feels guilty without committingany violation. Dr. Paul Tournier, a noted Christian physician wrote in his book A Doctor’s