What do I do with my guilt?

Guilt is a key player in Satan’s master plan of deception. As he weaves his web of guilt into our lives, we are often overcome by feelings of punishment, rejection, and isolation. It is then that we are tempted to doubt the sincerity of God’s forgiveness and grace.

Many people do not know how to handle feelings of guilt. They become confused, frustrated, and eventually give up. But God has a written solution for handling guilt, and it is found within His Word.

Two Types of Guilt

Before we begin dealing with the subject of guilt, we must first understand its meaning. Guilt is a legal term meaning “to commit a breach of conduct.” There are two forms of guilt—genuine guilt which comes as a result of violating one’s moral beliefs and false guilt which is derived from misconceptions or feelings gone astray. In the case of false guilt, the individual actually feels guilty without committingany violation.

Dr. Paul Tournier, a noted Christian physician wrote in his book A Doctor’s Casebook in the Light of the Bible: “ ‘False guilt’ is that which comes as a result of the judgments and suggestions of men. ‘True guilt’ is that which results from divine judgment.

God uses genuine guilt to stir our conscious when we act irresponsibly. Christians call this conviction which alerts us to specific wrong actions that violate God’s best for our lives. It may include gossip, jealousy, deception, immoral behavior, or anything outside God’s ethical code. The Holy Spirit’s job is to convict us of our sin. Guilt enters our lives when we resist His prompting and opt for our own desires.

Can you think of instances where you have felt guilt pulling at your heart? 

Genuine guilt is meant to be a positive motivator. It brings us to our knees before God’s throne of grace. God uses this kind of guilt to bring us to repentance and experience His forgiveness. It is a teacher that instructs us to check our course and adjust our sails. The aftermath of immoral behavior has consequences. Guilt and a sense of damaged fellowship with God tell us that we have stepped beyond God’s prescribed route.

False Guilt—Deadly Weapon

On the other hand, false guilt can be deadly to our emotions. In my years of counseling, I have asked many people what the source of their emotional struggle was; and time after time they say, “I just have an overwhelming feeling of guilt.” There may be no definable reason for their guilt—just a pressing sense of guilt that is slowly destroying them on the inside.
Sadly, and especially with those overcome by feelings of false guilt, the incident that occurred was not their fault. They were innocent victims who became caught up in another person’s immoral actions. Physically, sexually, and mentally abused people are prime candidates for false guilt. They carry huge burdens of guilt that they should never have to bear.
Persons with sexually immoral pasts also tend to have problems with false guilt. They receive assurance of God’s forgiveness for their past sins; but within days or weeks, they are again filled with guilt. My prayer for anyone burdened by feelings of false and unrealistic guilt is that they would come into a full understanding of their position in Christ Jesus. This is always the first step to living a guilt–free life.

Paul brings definition to our position in Christ as He writes:
   … In love He [God] predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us. …Ephesians 1:4–8

The word adoption holds a special place within the framework of God’s redemptive plan. It was God’s choice that we become His children. Nothing forced Him to accept us. He did it freely as an act of grace.

False guilt is not from God. It is Satan’s way of holding you back from becoming all that God has planned for you to become. His attack includes an arsenal of weapons—guilt over not meeting a parent’s expectations, assuming responsibility for your parents’ divorce, not pleasing your friends, or unacceptance because you did not perform to other’s standards.

People dealing with false guilt face a never–ending barrage of messages that shout, “You’ve failed.” “You haven’t lived up to their expectations.” “You’ve disappointed the people around you.”

One truth each of us must adopt before we can successfully combat guilt is we can never disappoint God. He knows it all; He knows your life from beginning to end. He is omniscient, and you cannot slip anything over on Him. Freedom from guilt begins with trust. And if at any point in your life you have trusted His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as your Savior then you stand before Him forgiven. The all–sufficient, sacrificial death of Christ on the cross at Calvary paid your sin debt in full—once and for all. (John 6:40)

Before He saved you, He knew every sin you would ever commit. Yet He chose to forgive you and make you His—forever. Nothing can change God’s mind. Once He extends His arm of forgiveness, nothing can erase His seal. This is the foundational truth of the Christian life.

Jesus bore our sins on the cross. ( 1 Peter 2:24) We are saved from the wrath of God through His death and justified by His blood. (Romans 5:9) Therefore, if Jesus paid your sin debt in full you are not longer___________________.

Now bring each item of guilt, real or false, before the Lord in prayer. Imagine yourself laying each sin and each feeling of guilt down at the Lord’s feet. Confess any sins connected with the events. Then tell Him that you accept His forgiveness and that you are claiming His sacrificial death as full payment for your sins.

Use the Scriptures you have just written down as a foundational basis for God’s personal promises to you. Write the Scripture reference beside each entry. Now draw a line through every recorded feeling of guilt and write the word “Forgiven” over the entry. Over your name write the words “Eternally Justified?.”

Our Justification Through Jesus Christ

Paul uses the word justification in the book of Romans to convey the full meaning of our forgiveness. Its definition is based on yet another legal term which means “to be declared not guilty.”

God says, based on the shed blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, He finds you not guilty—not now, not ever. You are justified by the saving, forgiving blood of His Son. God has sealed your life with the gift of the Holy Spirit and embedded on that seal are the words “Not Guilty” signed with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It does not mean that you will never fail, make mistakes, or sin against God in the future. When you do, you are responsible to confess that sin, repent of it, and accept any discipline that comes your way as God’s correction. There is not a single verse within His Word that says you should feel depressed, rejected, or worthless. You are His forgiven child.

Confession of sin restores our fellowship with God. It brings us to a point of repentance where we realize that our behavior is not in keeping with God’s design.

You may say, “Well, I don’t feel like I deserve to be forgiven.” None of us do. That is where the grace of God is applied to our lives. There is nothing anyone of us can do to be made worthy of His love and forgiveness. Forgiveness is a gift of God.

Paul speaks directly to the issue of grace as he writes:
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.” Ephesians 2:8–9

Guilt is one of the enemy’s favorite methods of deception.

Grace is the unmerited favor of God. When God deals with His children, He always deals in grace. Grace is something we don’t deserve, but something He freely provides. How does the heavenly Father view you as a child belonging to Him? The following Scriptures provide insight into your true identity. Look each one up and write them out in the space provided. Memorization is a good way to hide these truths deep within your heart. Jesus used only one defensive weapon against Satan—the Word of God. The next time the enemy tries to tell you that you are guilty, claim God’s promises as your personal provision. The enemy has no ground to stand on when the truth of God’s Word is applied to his deception.

Released from Guilt to Live Free in Christ

How do we free ourselves from guilt? 

First through salvation. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you do not have a defense against guilt. The only thing that saves us from an onslaught of guilt and condemnation is acknowledgement of our sins before God and acceptance of His Son’s death as payment for our past, present, and future failures. Until you realize your need for a personal Savior, any attempts to remove permanently the stains of guilt and sin are in vain. Salvation is always the first step to freedom.

The second step is to identify, if possible, the cause of your guilt. This can be a very difficult and painful process. Often, the Holy Spirit will make the source of guilt clear. Remember, God always convicts us of specific sins. Vague feelings of guilt are almost always false guilt. Please do not hesitate to seek godly counsel through a trained Christian counselor, a pastor, or a friend. Make sure you can trust their theological beliefs as well as their confidentiality.

The final step is acceptance of Christ’s death as payment for all your sins. In New Testament times when a person was sent to prison, guards posted a ledger outside the cell door declaring his guilt. When he completed his sentence, a certificate was then written and signed “Paid in full.” From that point on there was proof of the debt’s payment.

With that thought in mind, pick up your Bible and think for a moment of the wonder of God’s gift to you through Jesus Christ. From the beginning of time throughout Genesis, Exodus, the Psalms, all the gospels, and epistles, God had one theme—one thought in mind—your forgiveness and reconciliation to Himself. The next time Satan attacks you with feelings of guilt, show him the Word of God It is God’s wonderful, personal letter to you stating that your sin debt has been paid in full and you are no longer guilty.

The Father’s Heart

Sometimes feelings are too hard to express verbally You may want to take a moment of quiet meditation before praying the following prayer My personal prayer for you today is that God would remove any feelings of sin and guilt in your life Claim His promises. They were written especially for you.

Lord Jesus, I want to thank You for loving me and for accepting me. I want to confess any sin in my life right now  … and by faith I claim Your forgiveness as mine for eternity. Please help me to never become insensitive to the moving of Your convicting hand. I pray that You will take me and grow me up in the admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ so my life will reflect Your unconditional love and grace.

I lay aside all feelings of guilt and self–condemnation and choose by faith to receive the forgiveness of my Savior, Jesus Christ, realizing that through Him I have unlimited access to Your throne room. As Your beloved child, I ask You to reveal Your love to me today in a fresh new way.

Stanley, C. F. (1997). Dealing With Life’s Pressures (electronic ed.). Atlanta: In Touch Ministries.

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