
Showing posts with the label sexual temptation

Sexual Temptation

Few people set out in life thinking, “Down the road, I plan to destroy my life and relationships by plunging myself into sexual sin.” It’s not that simple or sudden. Instead, sexual sin takes its victims through multi-faceted paths of deception and allurement. That’s what makes it so successful. As Solomon correctly observed, “Many are the victims she has cast down, and numerous are all her slain” (Prov. 7:26). Proverbs 7 is a sobering play-by-play of the slide into sexual sin. From it , we can make a few observations to prepare ourselves accordingly. Sexual temptation has many ruthless and clever tactics. We mustn’t think that sexual sin will dance in front of us like a pink elephant holding a sign which says, “Follow me into the predatory pit of sexual sin!” It’s more clever than that. Proverbs 7:10-21 play  out a scary scenario of the adulteress vs. the simpleton. She systematically tests his resolve. She is persistent, but not overbearing. She is evil but adverti