
Showing posts with the label teen pregnancy

Is Disney Serious?

It has become somewhat passé to complain about the Walt Disney Company. Once a titan of American storytelling, Disney has gone from producing culture to pushing the cultural revolution. Disney has pushed for abortion across the U.S. and offers employees full coverage for expenses if they wish to travel to procure an abortion and has championed the LGBT agenda, as well. Their content reflects this. They have promoted a drag queen special for children; launched a bisexual teen character who dabbles in witchcraft; and has committed to pushing LGBT characters in its content. In short, Disney is participating in the degradation of American culture and the indoctrination of the young audience they seek to reach. Again, that will not be news to many of my readers. This transformation has been going on for some time, and I suspect we’ve only seen the start of it. Soon enough, we’ll be getting LGBT blockbusters featuring princes falling in love with princes, princesses romancing princesses, and