Is Disney Serious?

It has become somewhat passé to complain about the Walt Disney Company. Once a titan of American storytelling, Disney has gone from producing culture to pushing the cultural revolution. Disney has pushed for abortion across the U.S. and offers employees full coverage for expenses if they wish to travel to procure an abortion and has championed the LGBT agenda, as well. Their content reflects this. They have promoted a drag queen special for children; launched a bisexual teen character who dabbles in witchcraft; and has committed to pushing LGBT characters in its content.

In short, Disney is participating in the degradation of American culture and the indoctrination of the young audience they seek to reach.

Again, that will not be news to many of my readers. This transformation has been going on for some time, and I suspect we’ve only seen the start of it. Soon enough, we’ll be getting LGBT blockbusters featuring princes falling in love with princes, princesses romancing princesses, and inevitably, a main character who identifies as transgender. Lady Gaga will probably do the soundtrack and the reviews will be adulatory and parents will stay home, just as they did for the new Buzz Lightyear movie and Strange World.

But an announcement earlier this year crossed a truly dark line. It features… well, let me quote directly:

Disney has announced a new German original series for Disney+ called ‘Pauline,’ which is about, an 18-year-old teenager, who accidentally becomes pregnant – from a one-night stand. With school stress, the climate crisis and the downfall of society weighing heavily on her mind, something she doesn’t need at all right now is catching feelings, especially not for her one-night stand Lukas, who, as it turns out, is the devil himself.

That’s right. Disney, which for over half a century has been the undisputed champion of children’s content, will be featuring a show on a young teenage girl who gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Satan. The creators of the show stated that the storyline is “close to their heart,” which is both true and terrifying. It is difficult to know what to write about this. How did we get to a moment in culture – if that’s still the right word – where a teen girl literally copulating with Satan pitched, written, shot, produced, and then picked up by a company that markets its content to children?

As Charisma News noted, this isn’t the corporation’s first foray into the fusion of Satanism and sex: “[T]he cable television channel FXX, owned by the Disney corporation, released the animated show “Little Demon” where the show’s focus is a woman, voiced by “Parks and Rec” alum Aubrey Plaza, who was impregnated by Satan, voiced by Danny DeVito. This leads to their daughter, the Antichrist in the show called ‘Chrissy,’ to go on a series of adventures to discover how to live life as Satan’s daughter.”

If you believe in the existence of Satan and demons, as I do, you recognize how evil all of this is. These filmmakers – and those who choose to watch these films – are toying with forces they both deny and fail to understand. One of Satan’s greatest deceptions was to convince people that he does not exist. 

This reminds of something C.S. Lewis wrote in the Screwtape Letters

“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist and a magician with the same delight.”

If you have Disney+, consider cancelling it.

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