The USA has stopped Gender madness but not Queensland health

The USA has now stopped the transgender mind virus - so why is Queensland Health continuing this madness? Parents can finally see the light at the end of the gender-madness tunnel, looking forward to regaining the right to guide the moral path of their own children. Regular non-woke teachers hope they can return to providing an actual education. That also goes for many throughout the medical field, in both the mental and physical health areas of care, who look forward to rejecting the pressure to psychologically and physically “transition” their patients, upholding their pledge as doctors and surgeons to do no harm. Of these doctors is Texas surgeon Eithan Haim, one of many physicians caught in the crosshairs of the gender activist mob after he chose to stand up to the blatant falsehoods of this abhorrent ideology, risking his career in the process. Dr. Haim blew the whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital in 2023. He could not, in good conscience, contain the knowledge that il...