Ever been a fool and lost it all

Bookfair, at the Jerusalem Israel Museum, Week...Image via Wikipedia
“You acted foolishly,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if only you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.”
1 Samuel 13:13

It’s a moment you never want to have.
A 13:13 moment.

The moment you realize just what you could have had, if only you had…

What a scary verse this is. Besides the fact that you have a double instance of a bad number (13:13), the thought expressed in it should rattle us to our core. 

When most people talk about the consequences of sin or disobeying a specific instruction of God, they usually focus on the negative consequences that actively happen to us as a result.

You sleep around, you could get an STD or get pregnant.

You cut a corner at work, you could lose your job.

You ignore God’s calling, you could end up in the wrong career.

Those are definitely bad, but there’s an even scarier thought to consider. And that’s the unprecedented blessing of God you missed out on because you weren’t willing to obey.

The levels of influence you could have had.
The marriage you could have had.
The life you could have had.

I never want to have a 13:13 moment. I never want to hear God say:
If you had been generous, I would have…
If you had not settled, I would have…
If you had stepped out in faith, I would have…
If you had…I would have…

And you don’t either. The last thing you want your life to become is a cautionary tale of what could have been. 

Whatever God is asking of you, believe me, it’s not about what He wants from you. It’s what He wants for you.
And you can have it, if only you will…

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