Love the Lord Your God with All Your Mind

English: augustine at the school of tagasteImage via WikipediaSaint Augustine of Hippo, a seminal thinker on...Image via Wikipedia
Ever thought of the noetic effects of sin, that is, how the fall affects our thinking? For sinners to love God with their minds they must first be regenerated. 

The faculty by which we reason has been seriously disturbed by sin and the fall
The fall has seriously damaged our ability to think and reason, however, our ability to think has not been totally annihilated. It is true that pagan thinkers can add 2 + 2. You don't have to be regenerate to get a PhD in mathematics. Yet, when it comes to the knowledge of God, men and women suppress this truth, denying what is plainly seen in Creation.
The Christian faith is reasonable
Augustine implied that a faith without reason, is not faith, but credulity. God never calls us to make a leap of faith into the darkness. Instead, the Scriptures call us to take a leapout of the darkness, into the light. Our faith is reasonable, but it is not deemed as reasonable by the unconverted.

Regeneration is the necessary condition for loving God with your mind
The moment you are regenerate is the first time you are disposed to the things of God instead of being opposed to them. However, you still carry the baggage of your unconverted way of thinking with you. We therefore need to continually grow in loving God with our minds.

If you despise doctrine and knowledge, it is possible that this indicates you're still in your fallen condition. The unconverted don't want God in their thinking. Whereas the Christian wants God to dominate their thinking.

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