Discouraged by evil you see today?

Prophet Isaiah, Russian icon from first quarte...
Prophet Isaiah, Russian icon from first quarter of 18th cen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wail, for the day of the LORD is at hand! It will come as destruction from the Almighty (Isa. 13:6).
From chapter 13 to chapter 24 of Isaiah, the prophet foretells the dreadful and shocking calamities that awaited the Gentiles and those countries that were best known to the Jews, either because they were their enemies or because of their inappropriate commercial connections. Times were changing for these countries, and it is typical when things are in upheaval for men to think that everything is being swept away by blind fate. Very few are aware that such trials and tribulations are appointed and regulated by the purpose of God. Sometimes the few discerning observers of God’s purposes feel like they are lone voices in a storm, but they nevertheless lift their voices and warn others of God’s righteous judgment.
There is nothing more difficult than to convince men that the providence of God governs this world. This was true in the past, when Babylon was clothed in all its glory, and it is true today, when our own modern world exalts itself on the crippled back of technology. People who become secure in their own accomplishments are not easily convinced that it is God who is in control, and that God will not allow ungodliness to go unpunished. Yet these very people shudder whenever the slightest change occurs, and they question God as to why it happened. The prophets answered their query by pointing them to God, to His righteous standards, and to His sovereign rule over this world. They foretold the destruction of Babylon, and when it did occur, these people could remember the words of the prophets and realize their truth, albeit too late.
One might ask, why bother to warn Babylon of its destruction? Why use strong language such as “Behold, the day of the LORD comes, cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; and He will destroy its sinners from it”? If the Babylonians weren’t going to listen, why warn them? The prophets warned ungodly nations of the coming judgment either to bring them to repentance or as a means to encourage the people of God. When we see the ungodly prosper and shake their fists at the Lord, we easily can become discouraged. But when we read of God’s wrath and His anger toward sinners, we are reminded that God is in control and His name will be vindicated in this dark and fallen world.
Are you discouraged by the wickedness that you see around you? Are you distressed by the moral decay in your country? Do you sometimes think that maybe the wicked are getting away with their evil acts? Read Proverbs 2:22 and memorize it. As you witness the wickedness of this generation, think of that proverb and find comfort.

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