Jesus mocked and beaten

Christ before Pontius Pilate, Mihály Munkácsy,...
Christ before Pontius Pilate, Mihály Munkácsy, 1881 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Matthew 27:27–31 “And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him and led him away to crucify him” (v. 31).

Reformed theologians often describe Christ’s work in terms of His active and
passive obedience. The active obedience of Christ is His doing the Father’s will, taking specific actions — teaching, miracle-working, obeying the Law — to “fulfill all righteousness” (Matt. 3:15). The passive obedience of Christ encapsulates His submission to death. We cannot absolutely separate Christ’s active and passive obedience, for Jesus must actively set His mind on the Father’s plan if He is to endure the cross. Still, passive obedience is an
appropriate description of Jesus’ nonviolent resistance to suffering (1 Peter

This passive obedience includes Jesus’ arrest, trial, and scourging (Matt.
26:47–27:31). Jesus is scourged with a flagellum, a whip made of several
leather straps embedded with bone and metal. Flogging is the first part of
Roman crucifixion, and the number of lashes, though unknown to us, is limited
only by the extent of the flogger’s sadism. Our Savior is an innocent victim,
and the Father does not approve of Pilate’s sentence or the soldiers’ deeds in
themselves. However, God is providentially using their sins to bring judgment
upon David’s line for leading Israel astray (2 Sam. 7:1–17). In so doing, the
Father also begins to condemn the sin of every repentant descendant of Adam
(Rom. 5:12–21).

Christ’s passive obedience is also on display as He is mocked in the
governor’s headquarters (Matt. 27:27–31). Jesus’ prediction in Matthew
20:17–19 comes true as the Roman soldiers (as many as six hundred if the whole
legion is in town) dress Him up as the caesar and then make fun of Him,
spitting in His face. Roman soldiers customarily make fun of those sentenced
to death, but given the anti-Jewish sentiment that is part of Pilate’s rule,
these bigoted men probably abuse Jesus with particular delight.

Our merciful Father pours on His Son the wrath we deserve in order to give us
the blessings Jesus has merited. John Calvin writes, “Our filthiness deserves
that God should hold it in abhorrence, and that all the angels should spit
upon us; but Christ…to present us pure and unspotted in [the] presence of the
Father, resolved to be spat upon, and to be dishonored by every kind of

The Christian faith is derided in many circles, and many professing believers
throughout history have been tempted to play down the offense of the gospel or work hard to show the world that Christians are not as “uncool” as they seem. But while we must take care not to offend others with rude demeanors, we must also not accommodate ourselves to the world’s values. If Christ was beaten and killed, can we not, by His Spirit, endure the mocking of the world?
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