What are the titles of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit depicted as a dove, surrounded...
The Holy Spirit depicted as a dove, surrounded by angels, by Giaquinto, 1750s. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The names and titles of the Holy Spirit reveal much to us about who God the Holy Spirit is. Although the name “Holy Spirit” does not appear in the Old Testament, a number of equivalent titles are used. The theological problem of the personality of the Holy Spirit revolves around the issue of progressive revelation and understanding, as well as the reader’s understanding of the nature of the Bible. 

The Holy Spirit as member of the Trinity, as revealed in the New Testament, is not revealed in the Hebrew Bible. However, the fact that the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not fully revealed in the Hebrew Bible does not change the reality of the Holy Spirit’s existence and work in Old Testament times.

There has yet to be an audience of God’s self-revelation, both in the Bible and in creation, which has fully comprehended all that God is saying or doing. The post-Resurrection understanding of the suffering Servant, as epitomized in Philip’s explanation of Isaiah 53:7–8 to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26–40), was not a new revelation, but a more accurate understanding of an old revelation.

The most frequent title in the Old Testament is “the Spirit of Yahweh” (Heb. ruach YHWH [Yahweh]), or as one generally finds in English translations, “the Spirit of the Lord.” In light of the attack on the Holy Spirit’s presence in the Old Testament, perhaps we should use the personal name of God, “Yahweh,” rather than the title “Lord” (which was substituted by Jews after Old Testament times).

The point is that one meaning of Yahweh is “He who creates, or brings into being.” Every use of the name Yahweh is a creation statement. The “Lord of hosts” is better translated as “He who creates the hosts.” This refers to the hosts of heaven (both stars and angels, depending on the context) and the hosts of the people of God. The Spirit of Yahweh was active in creation, as is revealed in Genesis 1:2, referring to the “Spirit of God” (Heb. ruach ‘elohim).

A rich cluster of titles of the Holy Spirit is found in John 14 through 16. In John 14:16 Jesus said he would send another Comforter (KJV), Helper (NKJV), or Counselor (NIV).13 The work of the Holy Spirit as Counselor includes His role as the Spirit of Truth who indwells us (John 14:16; 15:26), as a teacher of all things, as one who reminds us of all Christ has said (John 14:26), as one who will bear witness of Christ (John 15:26), and as the one who will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8).

Several titles of the Holy Spirit are found in the Epistles: “the Spirit of holiness” (Rom. 1:4); “the Spirit of life” (Rom. 8:2); “the Spirit of sonship” (Rom. 8:15; or “adoption,” KJV); the “Holy Spirit of promise” (Eph. 1:13, KJV; or “promised Holy Spirit,” NIV); “the eternal Spirit” (Heb. 9:14); “the Spirit of grace” (Heb. 10:29); and “the Spirit of glory” (1 Pet. 4:14).

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