What does bear fruit in accordance with repentance mean?

Saint John the Baptist and the Pharisees
Saint John the Baptist and the Pharisees (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Matthew 3:7–10 “ But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for the baptism, he said to them, ‘... Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit in keeping with repentance’” (vv. 7–8).

After centuries of silence, the covenant Lord spoke to His people again through John the Baptist. Beginning around 27 A.D., John prepared the way for
the Messiah to inaugurate God’s kingdom, calling Israel to repentance because the nation as a whole had not shown contrition for the sins that led to exile from Palestine. In John’s day, the people were not ready for the kingdom to come.

John’s call is laid on all of us throughout the Bible. “Repentance” is the
English translation of the Greek term metanoia, which literally means “change
of mind.” Repentance expresses sorrow for the ways in which we have offended God (Ps. 51:4), but it is also much more. Repentance is a change of mind and actions wherein we cease our approval of wickedness and justification of bad behavior. It is foremost a decisive reorientation of one’s life away from the self and toward the Lord. This does not mean we repent only once at the start of the Christian life and then go our merry way, for confession of sin is needed until life’s end (1 John 1:8–9). But this subsequent repentance flows from and confirms the initial act wherein we realize our desperate state, admit our need of pardon, and come to Jesus in a childlike manner (Matt. 19:13–15).

John Calvin comments on this passage, saying, “Repentance is an inward
matter, which has its seat in the heart and soul, but afterwards yields its
fruits in a change of life.” It is not enough to profess sorrow for
transgression; we have not truly turned from sin if our lives are unchanged
(Isa. 29:13–14; James 2:14–26). Scripture does not teach that sinless
perfection is possible before we are glorified, nor does it deny that some
sins are harder to overcome than others. What it does say is that those who
are truly repentant do what they can to “resist the devil” (James 4:7) and
flee temptation. They also look for others to help them bear their burdens, to
hold them accountable and help them find strength when they are weak (Gal.
6:1–2). The truly repentant lapse into sin on occasion, but they always return
to the narrow path of righteousness. True converts will not find their
assurance in denominational membership (Matt. 3:9–10) or in a past act of
devotion. They find it in a justified life of repentance and faith.

One of the more neglected tools that can help us grow in our holiness is the
confession of sins one to another (James 5:16). It can be difficult to admit
to other people that we have sinned, but loving brothers and sisters in Christ
can help assure us of His forgiveness and help us overcome persistent
temptations. Without being involved in the lives of other believers we will
not find these opportunities. Take the initiative and be a part of the lives
of other Christians.
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