The creation of woman

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” [Gen. 2:18]

Throughout Genesis 1 God pronounces his creation to be good
. Then in Genesis 2 God says that something is not good: loneliness. Even though Adam had the fellowship of God, he also needed the fellowship of other human beings. Loneliness is a serious problem, especially as complicated by sin. Many technological advances only increase personal loneliness and alienation.

God made the woman from the flesh of the man and brought her to be his helper. It is difficult to discuss the role of the wife as helper to her husband, because in our society men have so grossly perverted this function of the woman. The feminist movement largely arose because of the abuse and degradation of women in pornography, the increasing phenomenon of abusive behavior, incest, and the failure of men to lovingly provide for their wives and families.

Sadly, some within the church have contributed to a distorted view of womankind by assuming that, if the woman is to be subordinate, this must mean she is inferior—foolish, lightheaded, helpless, and overly emotional.

The wise Christian knows that this is not the case. In the Trinity the Son is subordinate to the Father with respect to vocation or calling, but is equal to him. The Spirit is subordinate to the Father and the Son, but the Spirit is in no way inferior to the Father and the Son. Yet, when God acts, the Father sends the Son, not the other way around. The Father and the Son send the Spirit.

The Trinity is God’s model for marriage and the family. The Father never treats the Son abusively or condescendingly. In the same way, Paul commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her. Jesus suffered and died for his bride. He calls men to do no less for theirs.

In our fallen state, we are characterized by an unwillingness to submit to properly established authority. No matter what form it takes we tend toward rebellion. Whatever your present life situation, consider to whom you should be in submission. Ask God for grace to submit out of reverence to him.

Sproul, R.C., Before the Face of God: A Daily Guide for Living from the Old Testament, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books) 1994.

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