The Wicked One

“The Wicked (One) in his pride doth persecute the poor: the Wicked (One), through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God.” (Ps. 10:2, 4) This entire Psalm is about the Wicked One. The opening verse gives the key to its dispensational scope. It contains the cry of the Jewish remnant during the Tribulation period, here denominated “Times of Trouble.” (cf. Jer. 30:7) So desperate is the situation of the true Israel, it seems as though Jehovah must have deserted them—“Why standest Thou afar off, O Lord? Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble?” (v. 1) 

Then follows a remarkably full description of their archenemy, the Wicked One. His pride (v. 2), his depravity: “He abhorreth the Lord” (v. 3 margin); his blasphemy: “All his thoughts are, There is no God” (v. 4 margin); his grievous ways, (v. 5); his consuming egotism, (v. 6); his deceitfulness, (v. 7); his treachery, (v. 8); his cruelty, (vv. 9, 10); his complacent pride, (v. 11), is each described. Then the Remnant cry, “Arise, O Lord; O God, lift up Thine hand: forget not the humble. Break Thou the arm of the Wicked and Evil One.” (vv. 12 and 15) The whole Psalm should be carefully studied.

Pink, A. W. (2005). The antichrist (p. 66). Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software.

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