What are the different types of revelation - RC Sproul

In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways. [Heb. 1:1]

God revealed himself to the Old Testament prophets in a myriad of ways. We can learn something about God by reviewing some of them. One of the most important ways God revealed himself was through theophanies. In a theophany God shows himself in and through some created thing. In one of the most famous examples of a theophany, the burning bush, God revealed himself to Moses as the bush burned with his divine glory.

God also revealed himself through dreams. Famous dreams of Scripture include those of Jacob, Joseph, Nebuchadnezzar (in Daniel), and the night visions of Zechariah 1–6. God spoke in dreams to Joseph, the husband of Mary, and to Pilate’s wife. Visions differ from dreams in that they happen while people are awake. Ezekiel experienced numerous visions. The vision of Isaiah 6 surely changed Isaiah’s life and message. God spoke to Peter in a vision of the clean and unclean animals in Acts 10.

In yet another kind of revelation, God “opened the eyes” of people so that they might see things present in another dimension. In 2 Kings 6:17 the eyes of Elisha’s servant were opened to see God’s angelic army.

On occasion God spoke directly to men and indirectly through prophets. God revealed himself through events, both providential and miraculous. Additionally, the whole of God’s creation reveals him, just as a piece of art reveals its maker. The cosmos is the theater of God’s revelation.

Finally, and most important, Jesus Christ is the ultimate revelation of God. Modernist theologian Karl Barth denies all other forms of revelation and says that Jesus Christ is the exclusive revelation of God. Historically orthodox Christianity says that Christ is not the exclusive revelation of God, but he is the conclusive revelation of God.

Think of the symphonic nature of revelation. Even though God used many people and three languages over centuries to write the Scripture, its “song” expresses unity and harmony. Do you appreciate how each passage of the Bible offers God’s inerrant communication to you through people and events of long ago? Thank God for the awesome character of his revelation.

Sproul, R.C., Before the Face of God: A Daily Guide for Living from the Old Testament, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books) 1994.

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