Is this baby Jesus stuff really necessary?

Why the God-Man: The Mystery of the Incarnation
Jesus is the eternal Word of God in human flesh. In the opening of John's gospel, we learn that the Son of God became something He was not—a man. At the same time, He remained what He always was—the second person of the Trinity. As the God-Man, Jesus is one person with complete yet distinct divine and human natures. The biblical account of the incarnation raises one of the most important questions ever to be asked: Why the God-Man? This is the central role of the incarnation - understanding the person and work of Christ. You understand that and you will understand Christmas.

Beginning with Moses: Christ in All the Scriptures
The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God. Although it consists of a collection of sixty-six writings by multiple authors spanning hundreds of years, it is one book with one message of salvation. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals how God saves sinners through His one and only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The promise of redemption given throughout the Old Testament is fulfilled in Christ.

No Hope without It: The Life of Christ
God requires us to be holy as He is holy. As sinners, we deserve to be eternally punished for breaking God's law. To satisfy our guilt before God, we need a substitute not only to die for our sins but also to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law on our behalf. We need a mediator to succeed where Adam failed in keeping God's commands. The significance of the active obedience of Christ in His role as the second Adam explains why there is "no hope without it."

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