Oxford University UK why did Christian martyrs rejoice?

In the university town of Oxford, England, stands a monument to Reformation martyrs, who, as the inscription reads:
Yielded their bodies to be burned, bearing witness to the sacred truths, which they had affirmed and maintained against the errors of the Church of Rome, and rejoicing that to them it was given not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for His sake.
Do you see the key verbs here? They affirmed and maintained true and biblically faithful doctrine. These martyrs were theologians and pastors. They taught and defended the truths of the Word of God. Chief among those truths are the Reformation slogans of solus Christus (Christ alone), sola fide (faith alone), and sola gratia (grace alone). These Reformation truths summarize core doctrines concerning the person and work of Christ. They summarize the gospel.

The Reformation martyrs also rejoiced. They rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ. That is theological commitment. We are moving into uncharted waters in most of the Western world. We are living in a post-Christian era, as many have pointed out. There is an urgency today that is almost palpable. It is an urgency that requires theological commitment.

Our post-Christian era is an era of confusion. It is also an era of the rise of Islam on the one hand and the rise of the "nones" on the other—the nones being those who are entirely religiously unaffiliated. It is an era of pluralism, of many voices that affirm many truths; some may pretend not to care about truth at all. This confusion can be found both outside and inside of the church.

In times of confusion, we need clarity and conviction. 
We confess the mystery and wonder
  of God made flesh
  and rejoice in our great salvation
  through Jesus Christ our Lord.
There are two key topics here. 

First is the person of Christ and the doctrine of the incarnation. Jesus is "Immanuel," which means "God with us" (Matt. 1:23). He is the God-man. The word incarnation literally means "to take on flesh." This is indeed a mystery and wonder. Mystery causes us to be humble, to submit. Wonder causes us to stand in awe, to be astonished. Both mystery and wonder cause us to adore and worship.

The second key topic here is the work of Christ. Christ accomplished our great salvation. As the God-man, He alone can save. In a world of many voices and in a sea of religious pluralism, Christ alone is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

Good theology sings. These beliefs are far more than intellectual affirmations. They set the heart on fire and they set the life to action. When good theology is declared, the tongue is loosed and desires respond.

Rejoice is a compound word. The re- in rejoice is what linguists call an intensive. It intensifies the action of the word it is joined to, in this case, joyRejoice means to be full of joy, or even to cause joy. Joy upon joy.

How could those Reformation martyrs rejoice in suffering, rejoice in their martyrdom? The answer is Christ. They had a laser-like focus on Christ and on Him crucified. That focus provided perspective for all aspects of their lives, and even for their deaths. Such was the depth and breadth of their theological commitment.

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