Lions eats Christians?

"Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Pet. 5:8, MEV).

The Scriptures are not silent on the tactical proficiency of the enemy. The Word paints the picture of a hungry lion, following the scent of blood and preying on the isolated and vulnerable. Satan has spent thousands of years honing his skills on the unsuspecting, the overly confident and the sleeping sentry who has let their guard down.

Sadly, too many have been caught off guard, not because the Word fails to instruct us to be alert but because the instructions were ignored and complacency set in, resulting in disaster. Scripture gives us clear warning against becoming sedentary and self-reliant when it comes to spiritual attacks.
"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall" (1 Cor. 10:12).

The reason so many end up falling is due to "tactical ignorance" in the midst of the attack. An alert warrior sees the attack coming and responds accordingly. It is when we fail to observe, discern and dodge the assault that damage occurs. In reality, the tactics of the enemy often parallel what you might find in a special operations manual on insurgency methods used to create chaos and social breakdown. The same tactics one might use to cause disorder in the natural are also highly effective in the spiritual. The better you are at identifying the tactics of the adversary, the better you will be at not springing the trap that has been set against you.

I want to share three methods that will help you identify an attack on your life. Stay alert!

1. Communication:
Severing the ability to communicate with the FOB (forward operating base) and other units can severally cripple the effectiveness of a combat team.

In a spiritual attack, your ability to communicate will often come under fire. This happens in several ways. You may lose your desire to pray and also become isolated from those close to you. When prayer ceases and you pull away from a healthy spiritual support system, you become open to receive the lies of the enemy. Your mind becomes fertile ground for thoughts planted by devils. If the enemy can destroy your lines of communication, you become separated from needed support and direction.

You must maintain healthy, and consistent communication with the Lord and other strong believers. This includes two-way communication, both talking and listening. Develop a habit of praying in the Spirit.

2. Fear and Chaos: Psychological operations are an important part of special military tactics. Creating an atmosphere that makes the enemy think and believe he is being defeated will often lead to defeat.

Satan often attempts to hurl darts of fear into our hearts. Once fear becomes embedded, it breeds disorder and chaos. We lose our faith focus and become fear-focused. The worst possible scenario becomes our only possible scenario. Fear is a thief of peace and when we lose our peace we open ourselves up to compounding mental and emotional attack.

Guard your heart and guard your mind! Be mindful of what you allow to take root. You have to be selective regarding who and what you listen to. If a thought does not align with the Word of God and is not faith-filled, cast it out.

3. Division and Confusion: A unit that does not operate effectively together is easily defeated. If there is no cohesiveness and unity among the ranks, the best of strategies will fail. Creating confusion will cause division and creating division can result in self-inflicted casualties due to friendly-fire.

Division, offense and confusion are some of the most effective tactics employed by demonic forces. The effectiveness of the ekklesia rests in the strength of our unity. This is why unity is so often attacked. When we become offended and divided, we attack each other more than the enemy. We begin to align and side with the attack on our lives and even become weapons in the hand of devils as we backbite and hurl accusations at our brethren.

Worship is hindered as we become focused on offense and self-validated injustice. Most of the time, it's simply a blown-out-of-proportion, magnified miscommunication or misunderstanding. When it's not handled properly, venom is spread more often than praise.

You must settle in your heart that you simply will not accept division. This includes keeping a tender heart, keeping a forgiving spirit and refusing to allow the root of bitterness to take hold. Love drives out division and magnifies unity. Confusion must be dealt with through effective communication and prayer.

If you stay alert and learn to identify the attacks when they come, you can defend against them. We do not have to be ignorant of the tactics of the enemy. We have been given charge of angel armies. We have spiritual armor. And we have the the Word of God as a weapon against any onslaught from hell. Stay focused, stay alert and walk in victory!

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