Christ is still on the throne - regardless of who is PM, President, Commander or even Dictator

One of the most important events of the life of Christ was His ascension. We celebrate His birth, His life, His transfiguration, His atoning death on Good Friday, and His resurrection. But all of these events moved Jesus inexorably toward that moment when He would be lifted up from this planet, not simply to rise to heaven but to go to His coronation, His crowning as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Immediately following Jesus' ascension comes His session. If I were to ask you, "What's the session?" you might say that it is the group of elders of your church who meet to establish policy and carry out discipline in the church. That's true, but the ultimate session is the session of Jesus; it refers to His seating at the right hand of God.

Various views have emerged in church history regarding the concept of the kingdom of God. Some believe the kingdom of God is totally future, that it doesn't exist at all now, not even in part, until the return of Jesus at the end of the age. Others say the kingdom of God already has been completely realized; there's nothing left to take place. I say, "A pox on both of those houses."

Jesus made it clear that His coming into this world sparked a time of crisis. He said: "If it is by the finger of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you" (Luke 11:20). He added, "Behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you" (17:21b). We have a King who already has been crowned. So the kingdom of God has been inaugurated, though it won't be fully consummated until He returns at the end of the age, when every knee will bow before Him (Phil. 2:10). His Kingdom already exists. He's the King right now.

As we look at the newspapers every day and watch our televisions, we see and hear all sorts of concern about the presidential election in the United States. We are electing a president, a vice president, senators, and congressmen. In a proximate sense, it's very important who sits in the White House. But ultimately, the most important matter is not who sits in the White House but who sits over the White House. The one who sits over the White House is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and our Savior.

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