What was the Cloud of glory?

The Cloud of Glory was a physical manifestation of the presence of God among his people; a special form of theophany particularly associated with Israel being offered guidance on the exodus journey. 

The cloud of Glory was the phenomenon by which God guided the Israelites during their travels through the wilderness after leaving Egypt (Ex. 14:24). The pillar of fire and cloud is first mentioned in Exodus 13:21–22, where some of its characteristics are described. In the form of cloud by day and fire by night, the pillar was constantly visible to the Israelites. 

By this phenomenon, God led the people on their journey from the border of Egypt as they marched toward the Promised Land. As a pillar of fire, it gave enough light for the people to travel by night.

The pillar of fire and cloud was also a visible sign or representation of God’s presence with His people. In a sense God could be said to be “in” the pillar (Ex. 14:24); in it He “came down” to the tabernacle of meeting (Num. 12:5), and “appeared” at the tabernacle (Deut. 31:15).

After the TABERNACLE was built in the wilderness, it was covered by a cloud that had the appearance of fire by night. Although this cloud was not described as a pillar, it must have been the same phenomenon. While the cloud remained over the tabernacle, the people did not break camp. But they set out when the cloud was taken up. Wherever it settled down again was to be the next stopping place.

Where in the Bible is it mentioned?

1.      First manifestation of. Ex 13:20, 21.
2.      Called
    a.      The cloud. Ex 34:5.
    b.      Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. Ex 13:22.
    c.      Cloudy pillar. Ex 33:9, 10.
    d.      Cloud of the Lord. Nu 10:34.
    e.      The presence of God. Ex 33:14, 15.
3.      God’s glory manifested in. Ex 16:10; 40:35.
4.      God came down in. Ex 34:5; Nu 11:25.
5.      God spoke from. Ex 24:16; Ps 99:7.
6.      Was designed to
    a.      Regulate the movements of Israel. Ex 40:36, 37; Nu 9:17–23.
    b.      Guide Israel. Ex 13:21; Ne 9:19.
    c.      Show light to Israel. Ps 105:39.
    d.      Defend Israel. Ex 14:19; Ps 105:39.
    e.      Cover the tabernacle. Ex 40:34; Nu 9:15.
7.      Was dark to the enemies of Israel. Ex 14:20.
8.      Was the Shekinah over the mercy-seat. Le 16:2.
9.      Continued during the journeyings of Israel. Ex 13:22; 40:38.
10.      Manifested in the temple of Solomon. 1 Ki 8:10, 11; 2 Ch 5:13; Eze 
11.      Special appearances of;
    a.      At the murmuring for bread. Ex 16:10.
    b.      At giving of the law. Ex 19:9, 16; 24:16–18.
    c.      At sedition of Aaron and Miriam. Nu 12:5.
    d.      At the murmuring of Israel on the report of the spies. Nu 14:10.
    e.      At the rebellion of Korah &c. Nu 16:19.
    f.      At the murmuring of Israel on account of Korah’s death. Nu 16:42.
    g.      At Christ’s transfiguration. Mt 17:5.
    h.      At Christ’s ascension. Ac 1:9.
12.      Our Lord shall make his second appearance in. Lu 21:27; Ac 1:11.
13.      Illustrative of
    a.      The glory of Christ. Re 10:1.
    b.      The protection of the church. Isa 4:5.

Torrey, R. A. (2001). The new topical text book: A scriptural text book for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Bible Software.

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