What would Jesus say about Corona Virus?

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We are living in very uncertain times. I’m sure we are all scared and going through difficulties that we never imagined before. People are worried about, the jobs, about their bank accounts, about their health, and about their loved ones.

If you’ve been to the store lately, you’ve seen some hoarding going on, you’ve seen the empty shelves! What a crazy and scary time to be alive!

I hope that throughout the craziness when you put your head down on the pillow you ask yourself this question? What has really changed?

Yes, there seems to be a threat to our stability. But what really can we control in life?  Someone in Italy recently said that this CoronaVirus situation has shown them just how strong they are, but is that true?

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I would say the opposite! This has shown just how frail we are as people. And really how little we really can control in life. We can’t control other people. We can’t control what country we’re born in who our family will be what colour our hair is, and whether we get cancer, or whether we get a brain aneurism. We don’t even know if we have the coronavirus and whether we are spreading it. 

We simply aren’t as strong as we think. And so, the Coronavirus is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity that God has given you to consider somethings that we usually don’t have time to consider. That is the fact that we are all already dying and that we will all stand before God in judgment.

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Which leads to this question what does the Bible have to say about the coronavirus? More specifically what would Jesus say to us about the coronavirus?

Obviously, we can’t know for sure but we can try our best to answer this question biblically. As we look at Christ and what the Bible tells us about his time on earth. Is that he loved people.

I think of the blind man in John 9 when the disciples saw the blind man they asked Jesus a question, that’s all they saw was a question, but Jesus saw a soul that would live forever and by the end of the chapter he saves him not only from his physical blindness but his spiritual one as well.

I could go on and on but Jesus cried when people died, he was heartbroken over sickness and death and used much of his time to heal many people from their diseases.

I think it is pretty safe to say that Jesus cares about what you are going through. But what would he say to us? Well, we have an example from scripture of someone coming to Jesus after a tragedy struck people in Israel.

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Pontius Pilate an evil Roman ruler who would ultimately give the order to kill Jesus killed some Galileans. As they reported this to Jesus he said, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse [c]culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Obviously, Jesus cares about the death of the Galileans, he also cares deeply about those who died when the tower fell on them, but it is fascinating that he takes the opportunity to look into the hearts of those around them to say, are you ready to meet your maker? He uses a politically incorrect word REPENT!

He goes onto ask a simple question. Do you think that those who died of those tragedy’s deserved it more than you do? What a humbling question!

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When I look at my heart I know one thing. I am the greatest sinner I know. Of course, I know that there are others who sin too. I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t but what I do know is how wicked my heart is. My pride and selfishness seem to know no bounds.

What about you? Are you ready to stand before God? Some say I’m a good person! I do more good than bad? Do you really? The fact of the matter is that when we look at our hearts, and we look at our sin we fall short of God’s perfect standard.

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Repentance is a fancy word for changing your mind. We need to change our minds about a lot of things, and perhaps the CoronaVirus is an opportunity for us to do some self-inspection and to change our minds about ourselves.

Repentance means believing the right thing about yourself, namely:

  • That you are a sinner.
  • That you deserve death and Hell.
  • And that you cannot save yourself.
  • Thankfully this is where the good news comes.

While our bodies are week and experience difficulties in this life because of sin. Our souls will experience eternal difficulties when we die. But God has made a way for us to be healed.

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God sent his Son Jesus Christ who always existed. He was God! He came to earth to live a perfect life and die on the cross in our place. But he didn’t stay dead but instead rose from the dead. Defeated not just virus but death itself. And now those who believe in Him, though they will die physically they will live eternally if they repent and put their faith in Jesus.

I hope that your response as you go through this trial right now won’t be I am strong! Or I am a good person! Or I don’t deserve this!

I hope that instead, you recognize your sin, you recognize your brokenness, and instead of being prideful you will humble yourself and put your faith in the only one who can cure something that is far worse than the CoronaVirus, he can cure you of your own sin. And Heal your sinful heart, give you a new clean heart and therefore accept you into Heaven, not based on what you do, but based on what he did on the cross for you! Please consider these words! Death is around the corner, place your trust in Jesus today!

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