I Thought God Created Me a Lesbian, Until I Realized it was Trauma

 Rev. Elizabeth Woning is cofounder of ChangedMovement.com, a website for people who once identified as LGBTQ. A former lesbian, she shares her journey of faith, healing, and happiness, now married to a man since 2005.

Listen as she explains the founding of her ministry and about her efforts to help others out of the LGBT subculture.

“I was your stereotypical butch lesbian. I was out and proud … I believed I had been born gay, that God created me that way, that lesbianism was the right expression of my femininity,” Elizabeth said, until she realized, “Maybe these feelings are anchored in some kind of trauma.”

“I felt the Lord was pursuing me. And I remember thinking, ‘If I could have communion with God, I would have purpose, there would be meaning to my life, but there would especially be value. And that was it. From that point, I burnt every bridge that I had into the LGBT movement.”

Then came Changed. “Our focus was to equip church congregations to provide safe spaces for people leaving LGBT culture to follow Christ wholeheartedly.”

Learn about Elizabeth’s struggles in helping those wanting to leave the LGBT life, against governments trying to block the exits.

Watch the full episode with our Locals community. Or, watch part one on YouTubeRumble, or Bitchute.

The Battle for Counseling Freedom for All: A Small Victory and a Huge Setback for Those with Gender Dysphoria

Activists promoting ‘conversion therapy bans’ will not be satisfied until every last counselor, therapist, priest or pastor on planet earth has been silenced, shamed or scared into submission.

By Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Originally posted at National Catholic Register

The worldwide battle for counseling freedom for all will have far-reaching consequences for freedom of speech, religion, and association. The ostensible issue at stake is banning “conversion therapy,” which is claimed to be “harmful’ and “ineffective” and even the equivalent of “torture.”But the ultimate issue at stake is whether sexual revolutionary activists can limit speech inside a counselor’s office, personal prayer and the ability of individual clients to associate with counsellors who will assist them in achieving their own therapeutic goals.

I bring good news and bad news from the battlefront. The good news is that one of the leading organizations of therapists in the United Kingdom issued an encouraging statement. The bad news is that the Australian state of Victoria crossed a serious line by claiming the right to regulate private prayers.

Keep reading.

Pregnancy Care Center Training

If you or someone you know is involved in pregnancy care centers, listen to and share this four-part training series Dr. Morse gave to pregnancy care centers last month in Ohio.

Learn how to protect against lawsuits aimed at shutting pregnancy care centers down. Find out how to handle LGBT-identifying clients. Attain a better understanding of the Sexual Revolution that brought about the need for pregnancy care centers.

Dr. Morse’s PowerPoint slide presentations are included for your use.

Listen and find out more here.


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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