My Christian Counselor Kept Me Alive. Why Are LGBT Groups Trying Outlaw That?

Ken Williams is the author of
 The Journey Out: How I Followed Jesus Away from Gay and co-founder of Changed Movement, a small army of people who have left the LGBT subculture.

Ken was exposed to gay porn as a child. He was also always the smallest boy, so he had an easier time hanging out with girls, who were nicer to him than the boys. This contributed to his gay identity.

As he got older, Ken became suicidal. “The consternation and distress internally over having strong desires for something that I didn’t want was very troubling.”

“I started seeing a Christian psychotherapist for five years weekly, and he kept me alive. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of having therapy.” If his distress happened now in California where he lives and therapy is illegal, “I might have ended my life,” Ken said.

“It’s devastating the laws that are in place in some places now.” Having been 17 when he got therapy, he said, “Nobody needs help more than a minor.”

To hear Ken’s answers to the questions, “Do you think people are born gay?” and “Is it possible to be a gay Christian?” watch the full interview for free on our Locals channel. (If you don’t yet have an account, all you need is to enter an email and create a password.)

Or you can watch just the first half of the interview on YouTubeBitchute or Rumble.

Stay tuned for our next Dr. J Show interview with Ambassador Eduard Habsburg of the famous Austro-Hungarian dynasty! You’ll enjoy this engaging, entertaining man sharing about the spectacular Christmas and New Year’s celebrations in Vienna, and about his book, The Habsburg Way.

Be ready when it goes live on Friday by subscribing to our YouTube channel. 

Natural Womanhood: Safe Sex-Ed for Pre-Teen Girls

Natural Womanhood is a nonprofit organization with a global reach that strives to inform girls, women, and couples about the science and purpose of fertility, promote natural alternatives to harmful birth control, and advocate for authentic women’s health.

Natural Womanhood has created an on-line video series to assist mothers in teaching their daughters about fertility.

Here are 5 reasons your daughter or granddaughter needs this course:

  1. She will not learn the truth without your help. Other influences will tell her half-truths, misleading stories about herself, and even outright lies.
  2. Puberty is a major interruption in her life. It’s puzzling, difficult, and profoundly impactful. Understanding her fertility through our course will not only provide answers, it will help her understand her identity.
  3. She is not too young to learn this information. Not only is her body about to change (or has already), but she sees and hears about it from others. This course is not about sex; it teaches the truth about the female body as no other course does.
  4. Medical responses to her needs in this area are not always adequate. In fact, they can often have very negative consequences. She needs to be equipped to resist the pressure to get on contraception as a teen.
  5. Without proper education, she is more likely to develop false ideas about herself: that her fertility is a problem, that her body is not really good, and that she is not good enough. She may think she must perform a certain way to be loved and accepted. This is a dangerous way of thinking for young women and is why so many get hurt or experience mental health difficulties.

26 States That Banned Therapy for LGBT People Upped Suicide Risks

Every study published since 2009 on therapy for people struggling with sexual orientation used the same major scientific flaw, say researchers.

Writes Joy Pullmann at The Federalist:

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to 26 state laws at least partly based on studies claiming “conversion therapy” increases LGBT Americans’ suicide risks. Yet every existing study that makes this claim is seriously scientifically unsound, several research reviews recently found.

Not only do all these studies depend on unscientific methods, but the data from one highly cited such study actually shows the opposite of what its authors claim, says a sociologist who reran the study’s data with standard scientific controls the authors omitted.

“The evidence shows that SOCE [sexual orientation change efforts] is fairly effective at preventing suicide attempts,” said Paul Sullins, a research professor at Catholic University and senior researcher for the Ruth Institute, in a press conference released Friday.

These majorly flawed studies have boosted efforts to ban therapists from helping distressed people across the United States and the world. According to Sullins, some 20 states and the District of Columbia ban therapists from helping people struggling to resolve homosexual desires or gender dysphoria. Six states partially ban such therapy. That means in those states, therapists may only nudge children toward, rather than help prevent, transgender mutilation.

Keep reading.

Identity in Christ

By Faith Hakesley at Advice from a Survivor

A big reason for evil in the world is that many have stopped putting their identity in Christ. This upside-down world will never change until people open their hearts to the light of Christ and let Him in.

Many who cause harm to themselves and/or others do so because evil was done to them, but this doesn’t excuse them. We might understand the “why” behind someone’s actions, but two wrongs don’t make a right.

There’s some truth to the expression, “hurt people hurt people.” One reason this can become a vicious cycle is that people who are angry, hurt, and confused often search for answers to their problems in all the wrong places.

Keep reading.


The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.

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