
Showing posts with the label Spirituality

What is biblical spirituality?

Q: How does the Bible portray spirituality? A: There is no shortage of conversations surrounding spirituality—culturally and across various religious expressions—but a Christian understanding of spirituality must have its roots in the gospel, its moorings in biblical theology, and its focus in theology. The Bible begins with the clear emphasis upon a good and sovereign God creating a good world for the good of his creatures. Humans are created good and blessed beyond measure, being made in God’s image, with an unhindered relationship with God and with freedom. God creates image bearers designed for spirituality—to enjoy a loving and personal relationship with the covenant Lord, as well as holistic relationships with themselves, one another, and creation. Though sin distorts God’s design, an overall biblical theology helps us discern how God reconciles sinners to himself, restoring the vitality and intimacy of his communion to them. For Christians, the Bible often portrays our spiritual

Holy Spirit is not spirituality

In their introduction to Presence, Power, and Promise, Firth and Wegner call the Spirit in the OT “the energizing force in the lives of people to accomplish God’s mission on earth.”2 Thus the OT often uses such phrases as “the Spirit of the Lord rushed on him” (Judg. 14:6); “the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David” (1 Sam. 16:13); “the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him” (Isa. 11:2); and “the Spirit (NRSV, a spirit) entered me” (Ezek. 2:2). To repeat: the Spirit of God comes upon human beings from without; the Spirit is not a latent inner human capacity. The practical consequences of this attribute can readily be seen in the popular and sometimes careless way in which people often speak today of “spirituality.”  In popular usage, the term can mean the religious aspect of human aspiration, as if this naturally flows from the capacities of humankind. In previous years, people often described the work of the Spirit on humanity as empowerment or godliness; today they

Don't confuse spirituality with righteousness

When I first became a Christian I was introduced to the priorities of the Christian community . I learned quickly that it was expected of me that I have a daily devotion time, a time reserved for Bible reading and prayer. I was expected to go to church. I was expected to have a kind of piety that was evident by not swearing, not drinking at the pub, not smoking, no dancing and the like.  I had no idea that biblical righteousness went far beyond these things. However, like most new Christians , I learned to emphasize such things . My personal letters and talk took on a new tone. They began to sound like pages from New Testament epistles . I soon learned to use Christian jargon in my everyday speech. I didn't "tell" anybody anything, I "shared" it with them. Every good fortune was a "blessing," and I found I could hardly speak without sprinkling my sentences with spiritual platitudes. We've all done it! Soon, however, I found that there was

The Gifts Of Prophecy And Tongues

1 Corinthians 14:1–40 The whole of chapter 12 leads to the recommendation to “eagerly desire the greater gifts” (12:31). In chapter 13 these gifts are placed under the direction of a high, holy outflowing love. Now, with this love in mind, chapter 14 begins to give practical directions for the exercise, or operation, of these spiritual gifts . Again and again in this chapter we see how love is the guiding principle of these practical directions. Though chapter 12 shows that all the manifestations of the Spirit are necessary and beneficial, the Corinthian believers needed special direction and guidance concerning the operation of two: tongues and prophecy. Chapter 14 gives most of its attention to them, though many of the basic principles could be applied to other gifts as well. 1. PROPHECY EDIFIES THE CHURCH 14:1–5 1 Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. Here Paul echoes 12:31 about spiritual gifts. All believers are to pur

God is Almighty!

Image via Wikipedia "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God ; walk before me, and be thou perfect." ( Genesis 17:1 ) This is the first of 48 occurrences of the designation of God by the term "Almighty," in the Old Testament . There are also nine times in the New Testament where God is called "Almighty" plus once where He is called " omnipotent ."  The last time it occurs is very near the end of the Bible, telling us that there is no special temple in the holy city, "for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it" ( Revelation 21:22 ). Thus, in the first and last books of the Bible , and often in between, we are reminded that our God is an omnipotent God.  As Jeremiah prayed; "Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee" ( Jere

All problems have a spiritual basis

jesus_3 (Photo credit: biblevector ) But the Lord said to Samuel , "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." — 1 Samuel 16:7 Indeed it may be truthfully said that everything of lasting value in the Christian life is unseen and eternal. Things seen are of little real significance in the light of God's presence . He pays small attention to the beauty of a woman or the strength of a man. With Him the heart is all that matters. The rest of the life comes into notice only because it represents the dwelling place of the eternal being. The solution to life's problems is spiritual because the essence of life is spiritual. It is astonishing how many difficulties clear up without any effort when the inner life gets straightened out.... Church difficulties are spiritual also and admit of a spiritual answer. Whatev

Are you spiritual?

I dislike talk about being”spiritual”. Why is that? Most of the time when people start talking about “ spirituality ”, this sort of image comes to mind: The topic of “spirituality” cause me pain, mostly because the topic has generally become an excuse for flakes and fools (and life coaches…*shudder*) to unleash whatever completely nonsense ideas on the general public under the cover of painful ambiguity. Nobody defines the terms biblically, since almost nobody who talks about “spirituality” has much concern for the Bible (let alone exegetical ability). Nobody talks about spirituality with any sort of clarity, since clarity would unveil the charade of the whole discussion (and unveil the general theme of “ clueless ” pervading the conversation). As far as I’m concerned, the term “spirituality” is a get-out-of-jail pass for people to share their favorite “kinda makes you think…” ideas on matters related to positive thinking, the angelic realm, or metaphysics in general. What does s

Is God's grace sufficient to meet my needs?

As   Christians , we find complete sufficiency   in Christ   and His provisions for our needs. There’s no such thing as an incomplete or deficient Christian. Our Savior’s divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness. Human wisdom offers nothing to augment that. Every Christian receives all he or she needs at the moment of salvation. Each one must grow and mature, but no necessary resource is missing. There’s no need to search for something more. When Jesus completed His redemptive work on Calvary, He cried out triumphantly, “It is finished” ( John  Image via  Wikipedia 19:30 ). The saving work was fulfilled, completed. Nothing was omitted. And all who are recipients of that salvation are granted everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of  Christ  (2 Pet. 1:3). In Him we have wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption (1 Cor. 1:30). His grace is sufficient for every situation (2 Cor. 12:9). We are bles

Are you blessed?

English: An image of Psalm 23 (King James' Version),  (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven , whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity." ( Psalm 32:1-2 ) What true believer is there who is not eternally thankful for the truths found in today's verse? Sins of omission, sins of commission, sins of deliberate action, sins of the heart, youthful sins, covert sins, "big" sins, "little" sins, etc. What a thrill to know that the penalty for our sins has been paid in full, if we but accept His free gift. What rejoicing and freedom forgiveness brings. There are three different expressions for wrongdoing in this verse--transgression, sin, and iniquity. The differences in these words are not insignificant, but precise differentiation is beyond the scope of this discussion. Suffice it to say that they can be understood to mean the whole gamut of sinful activity. Likewise ther

Bible College on the Gold Coast Australia

At Hope College we’re dedicated to helping Christians know what they believe, why they believe it, how to live it and how to share it.  The Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology is designed to equip you for mission placement,  church planting , ministry in the  local church , and growth as a disciple of  Jesus Christ . Students can expect to graduate from this course with a deeper knowledge of the  Bible  and valuable  practical skills  for ministry both formally and informally. International students welcome. Related articles Join Bible College 2013 ( Hope College Australia Enrol for 2013 ( Study on the Gold Coast ( International Students welcome (

Psalms of praise

Psalms 8:1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. Psalms 29:2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness. Psalms 95:6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!  Psalms 99:5 Exalt the LORD our God ; worship at his footstool! Holy is he!  Psalms 59:16 But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. Psalms 63:3-4 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Psalms 66:4 All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name.” Selah   Psalms 150 Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and