Church leaders are thankful

Christ the Saviour (Pantokrator), a 6th-centur...Image via Wikipedia
It’s pretty self-explanatory and I don’t want to belabor the point, but in the spirit of Thanksgiving I thought I’d take a minute to quickly encourage all of you who currently serve in ministry on a church staff to take a minute to pause and be thankful.
Ministry is tough work. After serving on church teams for over 10 years, I know that being in ministry is some of the most fulfilling and draining work at the same time. Serving on a church leadership team is both an incredible opportunity and sometimes a burden. You can witness all sides of church life: good, bad, and ugly. You can see the influence of “church politics” and wince at how leaders can be swayed by people’s opinions. And, at the same time, you can rejoice over life transformation. You can see the work of God, despite yourself and the behind-the-scenes things that go in church office life. You can see marriages and lives restored, can see hope instilled into hopeless situations and see the redeeming work of Christ at work in people’s lives.
Ministry is a roller-coaster and isn’t for the faint of heart.
I want to encourage you that wherever you may find yourself today… whether riding the highs and experiencing joy where you are serving, or if you are in a hard, low place…. to pause be thankful for the work you are doing. You get the incredible opportunity to be used by God to impact and shape the ministry that happens in your church. You, directly or indirectly, get to touch and impact people’s lives through the work you do. You get to partner with God in His work.  What you are doing is an honor, a privilege, and something we all need to be reminded to be thankful for.
So, to those who are still in the trenches, be encouraged. What you are doing matters. God has you where you are right now doing the work that you are doing for a reason. You are placed where God has you for a divine purpose. Whether you are thriving or barely making it, know that God has placed you where you.
God has great things He wants to do in and through you.
What you do matters.
Where you are matters.
Be thankful for the opportunity you have to be serving the church that you do.
Be thankful for the community of people that God has entrusted to your care.
Be thankful for what you’ve been given… for what you have [and for what you don't have].
Be thankful for the chance to spend your life in service to others and in service to God.
Be thankful for the grace God has afforded you to serve and do what you do… despite yourself, your brokenness and your past.
Be thankful that you can be a part of God’s redeeming work in the life of your community.
Be thankful and know that we are all so thankful for the work you do.

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