Four words that change everything

Rembrandt's depiction of Samson's marriage feastImage via Wikipedia
There are very few words that transcend circumstances. There are very few words that go beyond social, economic and marital status. There are very few words that hit all of us in the same way, at the same time and with the same potential for impact and change. But these 4 words do:
“I am with you.”
God is with us. Not distant. Not removed, but close. Not uncaring, but empathetic. Not far off, but living inside us. He is with us.
To the single mom working 2 jobs and still coming up short every month: I AM with you.
To the one filled with anxiety and worry in this moment right now: I AM with you.
To the unemployed: I AM with you.
To the one that hates the way their body looks and how they feel when they look in the mirror: I AM with you.
To the person that has no idea what their purpose or passion in life is: I AM with you.
To failure and the mess up that can’t see how they could ever recover from their mistake: I AM with you.
To the person that finds their value and identity in their career success: I AM with you.
To the insecure and unsure walking through life desperate for acceptance: I AM with you.
To the fake and the phony that has everyone believing that their life is more together than it really is: I AM with you.
To the depressed and the downhearted; the person that feels their is no light at the end of the tunnel: I AM with you.
To the single person that has a huge desire to get married and often feels loneliness and pain: I AM with you.
To the married person that wonders how their marriage drifted to such a lonely and painful place: I AM with you.
To the angry and resentful that have been rocked by hardship and hurt: I AM with you.
To the abused and the broken that have wondered why no one stepped in to stop the abuse: I AM with you.
To the isolated and lonely; the ones that feel left out and on the fringe: I AM with you.
To the ones that appear that they have everything, yet feel like all they have means nothing: I AM with you.
 I AM with you. It is a game changer for all of us today.

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