Jesus: the bishop of our souls

Titlepage of the New Testament section of a Ge...Titlepage of the New Testament section of a German Luther Bible, printed in 1769. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)In the New Testament, the Greek word for bishop is the term episcopus. The word episcopushas a rich and fascinating history. It is made up of a prefix epi and a root scopus. We get the English word scope from this root. A scope is an instrument we use to look at things. We have microscopes to look at little things and telescopes to look at things that are far away. The prefix epi serves simply to intensify a root. There is, for example, knowledge (gnosis) and profound knowledge (epignosis). There is desire (thumia) and passionate desire or lust (epithumia).

We see then that an episcopus is a person who looks at something intensely. In the ancient Greek world, an episcopus could be a military general who periodically visited various units of the army to make them stand inspection. If the troops were alert, sharp, and battle-ready, then they received the commendation of the episcopus. If the troops were slovenly and ill-prepared, then they received a stinging rebuke from the episcopus.

A strange twist of word usage is found in the verb form of the Greek episcopus. The verb form means “to visit.” The type of visit that is in view, though, is not that of a casual drop-in appearance but a visit that involves a careful scrutiny of the situation. This kind of visit is by one who exercises profound care of the one he is visiting. Bishops are called bishops because they are the overseers of the flock of God. They are called to visit the sick, the imprisoned, the hungry, and so on. They are given the care of the people of God.

In the Bible, the Supreme Bishop is God Himself. God has all men under His constant scrutiny. His eye scrutinizes each one of us intensely. He numbers the very hairs of our heads and is cognizant of every idle word that escapes our lips.

Reflect on God’s care for you as your Supreme Bishop.

1 Peter 2:23–25: “[Christ], when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.”
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