Christ's Kingdom is ruled by His word!

English: Icon of Jesus Christ
English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots (Isa 11:1).
God promised the remnant of Judah a bright future in which the Messiah would reign throughout the earth in righteousness and truth. The war with Israel and Assyria would result in great devastation to Judah. But out of that devastation God would preserve the line of David, and out of that line a branch would come forth and blossom into a mighty kingdom. That kingdom would be ruled by the promised deliverer, Jesus Christ.
Christ’s rule would be unlike any other kingship because it would be founded on righteousness and truth. He would rule by the Spirit of the Lord in wisdom, understanding, power, and knowledge. He would reign in the fear of the Lord, which means in obedience to His commands and in reverence for His honor and holiness. Christ’s kingdom would not be one of arms and weapons, of temporal power and might, as the Jews anticipated. It would be spiritual in nature, with Christ ruling by the power of His Word in the hearts of men. He would not have to judge with His sight, as earthly kings must, but He would judge according to the heart. He would distinguish between the haughty and the humble, and the poor in spirit would be blessed and honored in His kingdom.
We learn from these passages that the subjects in Christ’s kingdom are ruled by His Word and governed by His Spirit. They do not depend on worldly things, but they depend solely on the Lord for their every need. Only those who are meek and poor of spirit can do this. Only those who feel the burden of their sin will go to Christ and ask Him to carry it for them. Only those who humble themselves and confess their dependence on Him can submit to His righteous rule. Only they can live by the grace of God and willingly obey the one who gave them life.
Those who live righteously in obedience to His laws and who submit to His authority will know peace. They who once were lions will dwell with lambs. They who needed to be subdued by force will allow themselves to be led by children. They will find peace and harmony because they will know the Lord in an intimate way. They will love Him, honor Him, and worship Him as their King. Only when men and women humble themselves to this point will they know peace.
Read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1–12. What should the character of those who are part of Christ’s kingdom be? As you read through this list, examine your own life. In which do you need to grow most? If you chose the correct trait, be ready to repent often. Focus on that trait this week, nurturing it to God’s glory.
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