Will God protect us from ultimate harm?

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...
It shall come to pass in that day that the Lord shall set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left (Isa 11:11a).
This prophecy speaks of a day when the remnant of God will be gathered together. While the prophecy was fulfilled in part at different times during Israel’s history (i.e. the deliverance that took place under Zerubbabel, discussed in Ezra 2:2), it also reminds us of the kingdom of Christ. During the deliverance under Zerubbabel, not all Israelites were brought back from Egypt, Ethiopia, and other countries. Only in the kingdom of Christ is this deliverance fulfilled by the preaching of the Gospel.
Though the remnant be scattered throughout the earth, those who are Christ’s sheep hear His voice and follow Him. He “gathers” His people by the preaching of His Word and by the calling of His Spirit. No matter how much opposition there is toward the church in any given age, the Lord will gather His people to Himself. Not one can or will be lost. Those whom He has chosen to be His will be called by His Spirit, and they will hear the preaching of His Word. He will gather them together as a shepherd does his sheep, even if they have wandered into dangerous ravines and foreign pastures. Christ will bring them back to Himself and restore them to their rightful place.
This restoration will bring peace to those who are part of the remnant. From reading this text, one might assume that once the remnant is gathered, there will be peace for the church. And yet, with the coming of Christ and the spreading of the Gospel by His followers, the church has known division, hostility, and war. What then is the nature of this peace? We must remember that the prophet is speaking of the whole of Christ’s kingdom and not merely a single age or century. In this world, we taste but the beginning of Christ’s kingdom; and while the church is harassed by enemies both within and without, still the Lord defends and preserves her, and conquers all her enemies.
This prediction belongs properly to the spiritual children of Abraham, whom the Lord has purified by the Cross. The promise is to all those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. This promise already has been partly fulfilled, and is being fulfilled every day. The difficulty is in the continuing struggle, but as John Calvin writes, “We must fight earnestly within and without, till we obtain that everlasting peace which it will be our happiness to enjoy in the kingdom of God.”
Are you discouraged by the state of the church? Do you sometimes wonder how it will survive in such an immoral age? Are you ever afraid that God’s enemies will be victorious in the day in which you live? Take hope from this passage, that God will save His remnant and that He will protect you from spiritual harm.
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