What does abiding in Christ have to do with being fruitful?

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...
 Jesus' description of himself "I am the Good Shepherd" (from the Gospel of John, chapter 10, verse 11).Wikipedia)
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me” (John 15:4).
While Jesus speaks about several things in this metaphor, there is one main lesson on which we must focus; just as a vine-offshoot bears fruit only when it abides in the vine, so also believers will bear spiritual fruit only when they abide in Christ. Summarizing this precept is the verse, “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
The inability of man is stressed here. We can do nothing spiritually valid of our own accord. Unless we are part of the Living Vine, we are like fallen branches, dead and rotting in the shadow of branches that bear fruit in season. Such imagery would have held much significance for the disciples because the Old Testament uses similar imagery (Gen. 40, Judg. 9, Ps. 80). The difference here is that Christ puts Himself at the center. He is the source of all life. Without Him, we cannot bear spiritual fruit.
This proves that any effort at external reform in our personal lives, or even on a larger, societal scale is futile. Change must come from within, and that change can only be wrought by God Himself. Self-help books won’t do it. Empowerment seminars won’t bring lasting change. Therapy groups won’t enable you to bear the fruit of the Spirit. Only Christ Himself can peel away the rotten fruit that hangs on us like weights about our necks. Only He can give us the ability to love, to experience joy and peace, and to be self-controlled, gentle, faithful, good, patient, and kind.
Throughout our lives as Christians we remain dependent upon God to prune us so that we are able to bear much fruit. Old habits, sinful baggage, and ungodly tendencies are clipped away, enabling spiritual fruit to blossom forth. This is often a painful process, but we must continue to trust in Him. He is our only hope, for without Him there is only condemnation and wrath. Without Him, we are like dead branches that are gathered and tossed into the flames, abandoned to be consumed in barrenness. The warning is a sober one, and sadly many refuse to heed it. But Jesus is clear. Only he who rests in Christ through faith will bear much fruit. If you abide in anything else, you will surely be lost.
Name a spiritual fruit that you would like to bear. What is its corresponding sin (i.e. lust—purity, pride—humility)? What does abiding in Christ have to do with being fruitful? Pray to God, asking Him to prune your sinful ways. Trust in Christ alone and do not look for answers from the world.

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