What are the benefits for following Jesus?

English: Icon of Jesus Christ
English: Icon of Jesus Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Matthew 19:27–30 “Everyone who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life” (v. 29).

Often we think we should only follow Jesus because of His inherent worth and that to seek a reward from Him is entirely wrong. Christ’s inherent goodness and beauty is, of course, enough to motivate discipleship; however, it is not altogether improper to look for other blessings as well. In fact, Hebrews 11:6 says God is pleased when we believe “he rewards those who seek him.”

This passage reinforces this understanding of serving Jesus in hopes of a reward. Jesus’ earlier promise of treasure in heaven to the rich young ruler
(Matt. 19:21) probably moves Peter to ask what the disciples will gain from
following Christ. The disciple is not rebuked for his question; on the
contrary, Jesus says His followers will receive “a hundredfold and will
inherit eternal life” (vv. 27–30), implicitly affirming that Peter’s question
is not wholly wrongheaded.

According to Mark’s account, the hundredfold reward Jesus promises is not
limited to the future; it is also experienced in the present (10:29–31). We
will enjoy our blessings fully only in the new heavens and earth, but we err
if we expect them in the age to come alone. Still, benefits today will not be
without hardship; Mark’s record says that good things come with persecutions
(v. 30). This cautions us against thinking believers will be the most wealthy
and successful of all peoples, according to earthly standards. Yet Christians
are better off than unbelievers even when our standard of living seems
comparatively less than theirs. John Calvin writes that “God gladdens his
people, so that the small portion of good which they enjoy is more highly
valued by them, and far sweeter, than if out of Christ they had enjoyed an
unlimited abundance of good things.”

Therefore Jesus also says that in the age to come, many who are first will be
last and vice versa (Matt. 19:30). The exact sense of the proverb in this
context is a bit unclear, but James M. Boice helpfully interprets it to mean
that “those who have the most here will not necessarily have the most in
heaven” (The Gospel According to Matthew, vol. 2, p. 411). All who for the
Savior’s sake reject power, position, and possessions now, though they suffer
much, will find in eternity that their sacrifice was worth the temporary shame
of being last today.

Any reward that God gives us is by His grace, for He is the one who prepares
good works for us and enables us to do them (Eph. 2:8–10). Because it is all
by His grace, we should never arrogantly demand that He bless us, but neither
should we never expect a reward in this life. Take time today to think on the
blessings of Christian friends, your church family, and other such things in
this present age. Make sure to thank the Father for all of these rewards. Author: RC Sproul
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