Do you tithe to your church?

English: "The collector of tithes" o...
English: "The collector of tithes" oil on Canvas. Česky: Výběrčí desátků. Malba Gerarda Thomase (1663-1720) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Malachi 3:8–12 “Bring the full tithes…. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing (v. 10).

Stewardship, the wise use of our resources to glorify God, is the final means of grace of five basic practices of Christian piety. The way we allocate our time, effort, and money speaks volumes about our heart’s priorities, giving us a clear window into our own spiritual maturity.

Our Creator instituted the principle of stewardship in creation when He gave
humanity the task of exercising dominion over the earth He created (Gen.
1:27–28). Ever since then, all people have been tasked with managing their
natural resources for the purpose of advancing God’s kingdom. This is a
principle that is easy to forget because we like to think of our paychecks,
properties, investments, energy, and time as our own. Yet “the earth is the
LORD’s and the fullness thereof” (Ps. 24:1), and everything to which we attach
our name and regard as our “own” belongs ultimately to the Almighty. Our
possessions are just temporarily “on loan,” as it were, from God.

Wise stewardship is vital to living before the face of God in a manner pleasing to God. Every dollar we spend in one place is a dollar we cannot spend somewhere else, and if our priorities with our time, money, and talents are not the same as the Lord’s, we are guilty of sin. We can waste our
resources like the prodigal son did (Luke 15:11–13), or we can put them to
good use in the church.

In this passage, God chastises His people for robbing Him and failing to
bring their tithes to the storehouse (Mal. 3:8). Unfortunately, this problem
continues in the covenant community even today. Routine surveys tell us that
more than ninety percent of professing evangelicals fail to tithe. Our
priorities rarely conform to the Lord’s. Worship and education are among God’s
chief concerns for His people (Lev. 10:3; Deut. 6:6–7), but pastors and
teachers consistently rank as the lowest paid professionals in the United

Christ’s coming did not abrogate the command to bring our tithes into the
storehouse, though we often live contrariwise. Where our treasure is, there
our heart will be also (Matt. 6:21), and our checkbooks are one of the best
objective guides to the deepest desires of our hearts.

Are you giving to the Lord’s work according to His demands?
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