Pragmatism and what works

Luke 14:25–33 “Which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit
down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” (v. 28).

While most of the philosophies that have shaped western culture are European in origin, pragmatism is at least one worldview that was born in the west. Its assumptions lie at the heart of postmodernism, that catch-all term used to describe the views that dominate Western thinking in the first part of the twenty-first century.

Pragmatic philosophers are generally agnostic as to whether ultimate,
transcendent truth even exists. Even if objective truth exists, they say, it
cannot be known, nor is it even worth pursuing. Truth is therefore radically
redefined. Traditionally, truth is regarded as that which corresponds to
reality. However, truth in pragmatism is what “works.”

This leads to relativism. What “works” for you is not necessarily what “works”
for me. Christianity may make me a happier person; thus, it is true for me.
Muslims find that Islam makes them happy, and so Islam is true for them since it “works” for them. Rational discussion, or an appeal to a final norm, cannot solve disagreements over what “works”; therefore, the group with the most power wins when pragmatism is wholly embraced. If homosexuality works for me, then I must gain power to silence those who, by convincing others that my behavior is unacceptable, can create cultural impediments that hinder my enjoyment. I will not try to debate those who disagree since there is no universal standard to which we can appeal.

Pragmatism usually looks for immediate solutions without considering whether
the answers will work in the long haul. Perhaps the best example of this is
the Social Security system. The problem of people not saving enough for retirement was “solved” by mandating contributions to a government-sponsored savings plan. No one seriously considered whether there
would always be enough workers to support these benefits, and now the time is coming when Social Security will be unable to pay out what the government has promised. Jesus opposes this type of short-term thinking, calling us to count the long-term costs of following Him (Luke 14:25–33).

The corrupting influences of pragmatism are seen even in the church.
“Seeker-sensitive” worship can increase attendance without ever seeing the
congregation grow to maturity. Churches targeting specific ages or lifestyles
might attract a lot of people from these groups and not minister to those who
do not fit certain classifications. Beware of any ministry that emphasizes
“what works” and do what you can to help your church avoid slipping into

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