Is God distant or bored with you?

GOD IS BORED OF YOU (Photo credit: Tom Coates)
The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.

The believer who lives close to the Father’s heart is free to express his feelings to Him. You do not have to be uptight with God. He knew every detail of your life the moment He created you. When you were saved, the Lord Jesus Christ understood all of your past failures and hang-ups and your future struggles.

Because you are now His child for all eternity, you can be completely honest with Him. You can pour out your hurts, your anger, your disappointments, your secrets, and your dreams to the Lord. He will never reject you (Heb. 13:5). You can never turn away His steadfast love.

There will be times when you do not understand what God is up to in your life. God’s presence may seem distant. Because you have God’s assurance of His presence and because of His unceasing activity on your behalf, you can still cling to Him and worship Him in the knowledge of His love for you. Refuse the advances of competing lovers—money, fame, power—and deny doubt and unbelief.

Have you the kind of intimacy with God so that the Father is your most adored Friend? Does your unswerving allegiance belong to Him? If not, confess your need for such a relationship, let Him gather you into His waiting arms, and worship Him.

Father, let me learn to worship You even when Your presence seems distant. Help me deny doubt and unbelief and refuse the advances of money, fame, and power.

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