Let the Bible decide for you!

New Testament
New Testament (Photo credit: Violette79)
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.—2 Timothy 3:16

I knew a man from India who got hold of a New Testament, was converted and started to preach, but he had no background at all. That is, he started from scratch. He did not have a Greek Orthodox or Roman Catholic or Protestant background. He just started from the beginning. He didn't know anything about churches. He testified, "What I did when I had a problem in the church was to go straight to the New Testament and settle it. I let the New Testament tell me what I was to do." The result was that God greatly blessed him and his work in the land of India.

This is what I would like to see in our church—the New Testament order of letting Scripture decide matters. When it comes to a question—any question—what does the Word of God say? All belief and practices should be tested by the Word; no copying unscriptural church methods. We should let the Word of God decide. Rut, Rot or Revival: The Condition of the Church, 140.

"Lord, as our Board meets this month would You direct us to seek Your mind. We're mostly businessmen and we know how to make decisions. But remind us, Lord, that that's not enough in Your work; we need clear direction from Your Word and Your Spirit. Amen."

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