Tozer on being joyful!
Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglican Church credit: Wikipedia) |
We do have many professing Christians in our day who are not joyful, but they spend time trying to work it up. Now, brethren, I say that when we give God His place in the church, when we recognize Christ as Lord high and lifted up, when we give the Holy Spirit His place, there will be joy that doesn't have to be worked up. It will be a joy that springs like a fountain. Jesus said that it should be a fountain, an artesian well, that springs up from within. That's one characteristic of a Spirit-filled congregation. They will be a joyful people, and it will be easy to distinguish them from the children of the world.
I wonder what the Apostle Paul would say if he came down right now and looked us over in our congregations. What if he walked up and down the aisles of our churches, then went to a theater and looked them over, then on to a hockey game, on to the crowds at the shopping center and into the crowded streets? Then when he came back and looked us over again, I wonder if he would see very much difference When He is Come, 15.
"Father, I need that artesian well of joy today. The burdens and busyness of leadership sometimes really sap my strength and kill the joy. Help me—and our whole congregation—to demonstrate that real Spirit-inspired joy this week. Amen."