Do not fear but trust in God today!

… I will fear no evil, for You are with me …(Ps. 23:4).

Just how important is trust in the life of a Christian? Let us consider some relevant verses: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov. 3:5); “Who among you fears the LORD? Who obeys the word of His servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely upon his God” (Isa. 50:10); “Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but endures forever” (Ps. 125:1); and “The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe” (Prov. 29:25).

With just these few verses we learn how vital trusting God is to our salvation. Unless we believe in His Word and trust in Him, we cannot hope to enter His everlasting kingdom. We need to be constantly reminded of this because we are so prone to trust in ourselves, to allow fear and past experiences to inhibit us from trusting in God, to refuse to depend upon God because we pridefully think we can accomplish anything on our own.

Because we are prone to doubt, God emphasizes time and again throughout the Scriptures the necessity of trust. When Abraham questioned whether he would truly have a son to inherit the blessings of God, the Lord told him to “Fear not.” When the disciples grew fearful as the wind and waves tossed their fishing boat, Jesus told them, “Do not be afraid.”

The greatest impediment to our Christian walk can be unbelief, the unwillingness to trust in God, in His goodness, His veracity, and His power. God knows this; and to bolster our faith, He has recorded manifold accounts in Scripture where we see men of faith trusting in God when they did not fully understand His plan, when they did not see any light on the horizon, when they did not see the first sign of fulfillment to one of His promises. Just a cursory glance at Hebrews 11 testifies to the evidence of this kind of trust in the lives of His people. The faith that these people possessed is not beyond you or any other Christian today. The Holy Spirit equips Christians for every good work, and that includes strengthening your faith in Christ as you travel through the darkness of this world.

Meditate on today’s psalm. Is there one particular area in your life that you are having trouble trusting God in? Ask yourself if you depend on Christ for your life, spiritually and physically. If you don’t, confess that to Him and ask for the gift of faith so that you might live a life that is pleasing to Him and filled with joy.

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